Easy matrix

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Easy matrix

Post by Luxan »

After installing fbmath, with all of its fancy matrix routines,
I encounter a difficulty in finding therein a routine for matrix multiplication, addition,subtraction,division,
and vector by matrix multiplication .

Attempted the installation of the fb extended math library, became complicated
, and ineffective , rather quickly.

This illustrates the need for better and simpler code for what are really
basic routines, that are only dependent upon the standard libraries that are
installed with FreeBasic.
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Re: Easy matrix

Post by dodicat »

Normally I prefer simple arrays of double for matrix routines.
However I made up a few routines years ago, under a structure (type).
Put some dimension guards in.

Code: Select all


Dim Shared As boolean ExtremePivot
const decplaces=6

#define roundresult(x,N) rtrim(rtrim(left(str((x)+(.5*sgn((x)))/(10^(N))),instr(str((x)+(.5*sgn((x)))/(10^(N))),".")+(N)),"0"),".")
#define Cround(x,N) iif(roundresult(x,N)="","0",roundresult(x,N))
Type vector
      Dim As Double element(Any)
      Declare Operator Cast() As String
End Type

Type matrix 
      Dim As Double element(Any,Any)
      Declare Operator Cast() As String
      Declare Function inverse() As matrix
      Declare Function GaussJordan(As vector) As vector
      Declare Function determinant() As Double
      Declare Function transpose() As matrix
      Declare Function unit(r As Long) As matrix
      Declare Constructor(As Long=1,As Long=1)
      Declare Function vandermonde(() As Double) As matrix
      declare sub set(as long,as long,as double)
End Type

sub matrix.set(r as long,c as long,x as double)
end sub

Constructor matrix (r As Long,c As Long)
Redim element(1 To r,1 To c)
End Constructor

Function matrix.unit(r As Long) As matrix
      Dim As matrix m=Type(r,r)
      For z As Long=1 To r
      Return m
End Function

Operator vector.cast() As String 'for printing
Dim As String ans
ans= "Solution:"+Chr(10)
For n As Integer=1 To Ubound(this.element)
      ans=ans+ Str(Cround(element(n),decplaces))+Chr(10)
Next n
Operator =ans
End Operator

Operator matrix.cast() As String 'for printing
Dim As String ans,comma
#define gap(x) string(2*decplaces-len(x)," ")
For a As Integer=1 To Ubound(this.element,1)
      For b As Integer=1 To Ubound(this.element,2)
            If b=Ubound(this.element,2) Then comma="" Else comma=","
            Var q=Str(Cround(element(a,b),decplaces))
      Next b
Next a
Operator= ans
End Operator

Function matrix.transpose() As matrix
      Dim As matrix b
      Redim b.element(1 To Ubound(this.element,2),1 To Ubound(this.element,1))
      For i As Long=1 To Ubound(this.element,1)
            For j As Long=1 To Ubound(this.element,2) 
      Return b
End Function

Operator *(m1 As matrix,m2 As matrix) As matrix
Dim rows As Integer=Ubound(m1.element,1)
Dim columns As Integer=Ubound(m2.element,2)
If Ubound(m1.element,2)<>Ubound(m2.element,1) Then
      Print "Can't do"
      Exit Operator
End If
Dim As matrix ans
Redim ans.element(rows,columns)
Dim rxc As Double
For r As Integer=1 To rows
      For c As Integer=1 To columns
            For k As Integer = 1 To Ubound(m1.element,2)
            Next k
      Next c
Next r
Operator= ans
End Operator

Operator *(m1 As matrix,m2 As vector) As vector
Dim rows As Integer=Ubound(m1.element,1)
Dim columns As Integer=Ubound(m2.element,2)
If Ubound(m1.element,2)<>Ubound(m2.element) Then
      Print "Can't do multiply"
      Exit Operator
End If
Dim As vector ans
Redim ans.element(rows)
Dim rxc As Double
For r As Integer=1 To rows
      For k As Integer = 1 To Ubound(m1.element,2)
      Next k
Next r
Operator= ans
End Operator

Operator +(m1 As matrix,m2 As matrix) As matrix
Dim rows As Integer=Ubound(m1.element,1)
Dim columns As Integer=Ubound(m2.element,2)
If Ubound(m1.element,1)<>Ubound(m2.element,1) or Ubound(m1.element,2)<>Ubound(m2.element,2) Then
      Print "Can't do plus"
      Exit Operator
End If
Dim As matrix ans
Redim ans.element(rows,columns)
Dim rxc As Double
For r As Integer=1 To rows
      For c As Integer=1 To columns
      Next c
Next r
Operator= ans
End Operator

Operator -(m1 As matrix,m2 As matrix) As matrix
Dim rows As Integer=Ubound(m1.element,1)
Dim columns As Integer=Ubound(m2.element,2)
If Ubound(m1.element,1)<>Ubound(m2.element,1) or Ubound(m1.element,2)<>Ubound(m2.element,2) Then
      Print "Can't do minus"
      Exit Operator
End If
Dim As matrix ans
Redim ans.element(rows,columns)
Dim rxc As Double
For r As Integer=1 To rows
      For c As Integer=1 To columns
      Next c
Next r
Operator= ans
End Operator

Function matrix.GaussJordan(rhs As vector) As vector
      Dim As Integer n=Ubound(rhs.element)
      Dim As vector ans=rhs,r=rhs
      Dim As matrix b=This
      #macro pivot(num)
      For p1 As Integer  = num To n - 1
            For p2 As Integer  = p1 + 1 To n  
                  If Abs(b.element(p1,num))<Abs(b.element(p2,num)) Then
                        Swap r.element(p1),r.element(p2)
                        For g As Integer=1 To n
                              Swap b.element(p1,g),b.element(p2,g)
                        Next g
                  End If
            Next p2
      Next p1
      If ExtremePivot=false Then :pivot(1): End If
      For k As Integer=1 To n-1
            If ExtremePivot=true Then: pivot(k) :End If             
            For row As Integer =k To n-1
                  If b.element(row+1,k)=0 Then Exit For
                  Var f=b.element(k,k)/b.element(row+1,k)
                  For g As Integer=1 To n
                  Next g
            Next row
      Next k
      'back substitute 
      For z As Integer=n To 1 Step -1
            For j As Integer = n To z+1 Step -1
            Next j
      Next    z
      Function = ans
End Function

Function matrix.inverse() As matrix
    If Ubound(element,1)<>Ubound(element,2)  Then
      Print "Can't do inverse"
      return 0
      end if
      Var ub1=Ubound(this.element,1),ub2=Ubound(this.element,2)
      Dim As matrix ans
      Dim As vector temp,null_
      Redim temp.element(1 To ub1):Redim null_.element(1 To ub1)
      Redim ans.element(1 To ub1,1 To ub2)
      For a As Integer=1 To ub1
            For b As Integer=1 To ub1
            Next b
      Next a
      Return ans
End Function

Function matrix.determinant() As Double
    If Ubound(element,1)<>Ubound(element,2)  Then
      Print "Can't do determinant"
      Exit function
      end if
      Dim As Integer n=Ubound(this.element,1),sign=1
      Dim As Double det=1,s=1
      Dim As Double b(1 To n,1 To n)
      For c As Integer=1 To n
            For d As Integer=1 To n
            Next d
      Next c
      #macro pivot(num)
      For p1 As Integer  = num To n - 1
            For p2 As Integer  = p1 + 1 To n  
                  If Abs(b(p1,num))<Abs(b(p2,num)) Then
                        For g As Integer=1 To n
                              Swap b(p1,g),b(p2,g)
                        Next g
                  End If
            Next p2
      Next p1
      If ExtremePivot=false Then :pivot(1): End If
      For k As Integer=1 To n-1
            If ExtremePivot =true Then: pivot(k) :End If      
            For row As Integer =k To n-1
                  If b(row+1,k)=0 Then Exit For
                  Var f=b(k,k)/b(row+1,k)
                  For g As Integer=1 To n
                        'divide by f here seems ok
                  Next g
            Next row
      Next k
      For z As Integer=1 To n
      Next z
      Return sign*det
End Function

Sub Interpolate(x_values() As Double,y_values() As Double,p() As Double)
      Var n=Ubound(x_values)
      Dim As matrix Mat
      Redim mat.element(1 To n,1 To n)
      Dim As vector rhs,ans
      Redim rhs.element(1 To n)
      Redim ans.element(1 To n)
      Redim p(0):Redim p(1 To n)
      For a As Integer=1 To n
            For b As Integer=1 To n
            Next b
      Next a
      'Solve the linear equations
      For z As Integer=1 To n:p(z)=ans.element(z):Next
      End Sub
      Sub setmatrix(m As matrix,d() As Double)
            For n1 As Long=1 To Ubound(d,1)
                  For n2 As Long=1 To Ubound(d,2)
      End Sub
      'vandermode of x
      Function vandermonde(x_values() As Double,w As Long) As matrix
            Dim As matrix mat
            Var n=Ubound(x_values)
            Redim mat.element(1 To n,1 To w)
            For a As Integer=1 To n
                  For b As Integer=1 To w
                  Next b
            Next a
            Return mat
      End Function
      Sub regress(x_values() As Double,y_values() As Double,ans() As Double,n As Long)
            Redim ans(1 To Ubound(x_values))
            Dim As matrix m1= vandermonde(x_values(),n)
            Dim As matrix T=m1.transpose
            Dim As vector y 
            Redim y.element(1 To Ubound(ans))
            For n As Long=1 To Ubound(y_values)
            Next n
            Dim As vector result=(((T*m1).inverse)*T)*y
            Redim Preserve ans(1 To n)
            For n As Long=1 To Ubound(ans)
            Next n
      End Sub
      'Evaluate a polynomial at x
      Function polyeval(Coefficients() As Double,Byval x As Double) As Double
            Dim As Double acc
            For i As Long=Ubound(Coefficients) To Lbound(Coefficients) Step -1
            Next i
            Return acc
      End Function
      '=========== SET UP A SYSTEM ======================
      Dim As Double d1(1 To 5,1 To 5)={ {2,7,9,0,1},_
                                      {0,7,-6,2,7}, _
                                      {9,9,1,-5,2}, _
                                      {0,9,0,9,8}, _
                                      {6,7,7,8,9} }
      Dim As matrix a1,a2
      Print a1
      Dim As Double d2(1 To 5,1 To 5)={ {2,7,9,0,1},_
                                      {0,7,-6,2,7}, _
                                      {9,9,1,-5,2}, _
                                      {0,9,0,9,8}, _
                                      {6,7,7,8,9} }
      Print a2
      Print "PLUS (the two at top)"
      Print a1+a2
      Print "MINUS (the two at top)"
      Print a1-a2
      Print "inverse of PLUS the two at top"
      Print "Multiply top two"
      Print a1*a2
      Print "Transpose of Multiply top two"
      Print (a1*a2).transpose
      print "determinant of first matrix at the top"
      print a1.determinant
      Print "Press a key to continue . . ."
      Dim As Double x(1 To ...)={50,70,90,200,350,500,600}
      Dim As Double y(1 To ...)={150,200,300,200,90,20,400}
      Redim As Double ans()
      regress(x(),y(),ans(),4) '4 terms = (power 3)
      Screen 20
      For n As Long=1 To Ubound(x)
      For x As Long=0 To 1000 Step 1
            Var f=polyeval(ans(),x)
      Locate 25
      Color 2
      Print "Regression curve through white dots"
      For n As Long=Lbound(ans) To Ubound(ans)
            If n=Lbound(ans) Then Print "Constant",ans(n) _
            Else Print "x^";n-1,ans(n)
Last edited by dodicat on Jul 26, 2022 23:10, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 222
Joined: Feb 18, 2009 12:47
Location: New Zealand

Re: Easy matrix

Post by Luxan »

I've been to the Rosetta Code site and found some Freebasic code there, for matrix multiplication.
Need to check copyright conditions for that.

I added other routines for matrix addition, subtraction and division; based upon the sample code there.
I don't mind sharing my code, under a LGPL, with the rest of the community; just busy at the moment.
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Location: Scotland

Re: Easy matrix

Post by dodicat »

Technically there is no such thing as matrix division.
I left it as an exercise to concoct a multiplication by an inverse in about three lines, and call it a division operator.
The only copyright I would suggest for my code is just copy it right.
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Location: New Zealand

Re: Easy matrix

Post by Luxan »

The division I did was just element by corresponding element in the other matrix.

You mean just copy it without any type of copyright.

Now I want to construct two dimensional arrays of various sizes, the name of each array to
be indexed by a more global variable; how might I do this.
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Location: Scotland

Re: Easy matrix

Post by dodicat »

I have put some guards in the code to check the dimensions.

Code: Select all

Dim Shared As boolean ExtremePivot
const decplaces=6

#define roundresult(x,N) rtrim(rtrim(left(str((x)+(.5*sgn((x)))/(10^(N))),instr(str((x)+(.5*sgn((x)))/(10^(N))),".")+(N)),"0"),".")
#define Cround(x,N) iif(roundresult(x,N)="","0",roundresult(x,N))
Type vector
      Dim As Double element(Any)
      Declare Operator Cast() As String
End Type

Type matrix 
      Dim As Double element(Any,Any)
      Declare Operator Cast() As String
      Declare Function inverse() As matrix
      Declare Function GaussJordan(As vector) As vector
      Declare Function determinant() As Double
      Declare Function transpose() As matrix
      Declare Function unit(r As Long) As matrix
      Declare Constructor(As Long=1,As Long=1)
      Declare Function vandermonde(() As Double) As matrix
      declare sub set(as long,as long,as double)
End Type

sub matrix.set(r as long,c as long,x as double)
end sub

Constructor matrix (r As Long,c As Long)
Redim element(1 To r,1 To c)
End Constructor

Function matrix.unit(r As Long) As matrix
      Dim As matrix m=Type(r,r)
      For z As Long=1 To r
      Return m
End Function

Operator vector.cast() As String 'for printing
Dim As String ans
ans= "Solution:"+Chr(10)
For n As Integer=1 To Ubound(this.element)
      ans=ans+ Str(Cround(element(n),decplaces))+Chr(10)
Next n
Operator =ans
End Operator

Operator matrix.cast() As String 'for printing
Dim As String ans,comma
#define gap(x) string(2*decplaces-len(x)," ")
For a As Integer=1 To Ubound(this.element,1)
      For b As Integer=1 To Ubound(this.element,2)
            If b=Ubound(this.element,2) Then comma="" Else comma=","
            Var q=Str(Cround(element(a,b),decplaces))
      Next b
Next a
Operator= ans
End Operator

Function matrix.transpose() As matrix
      Dim As matrix b
      Redim b.element(1 To Ubound(this.element,2),1 To Ubound(this.element,1))
      For i As Long=1 To Ubound(this.element,1)
            For j As Long=1 To Ubound(this.element,2) 
      Return b
End Function

Operator *(m1 As matrix,m2 As matrix) As matrix
Dim rows As Integer=Ubound(m1.element,1)
Dim columns As Integer=Ubound(m2.element,2)
If Ubound(m1.element,2)<>Ubound(m2.element,1) Then
      Print "Can't do"
      Exit Operator
End If
Dim As matrix ans
Redim ans.element(rows,columns)
Dim rxc As Double
For r As Integer=1 To rows
      For c As Integer=1 To columns
            For k As Integer = 1 To Ubound(m1.element,2)
            Next k
      Next c
Next r
Operator= ans
End Operator

Operator *(m1 As matrix,m2 As vector) As vector
Dim rows As Integer=Ubound(m1.element,1)
Dim columns As Integer=Ubound(m2.element,2)
If Ubound(m1.element,2)<>Ubound(m2.element) Then
      Print "Can't do multiply"
      Exit Operator
End If
Dim As vector ans
Redim ans.element(rows)
Dim rxc As Double
For r As Integer=1 To rows
      For k As Integer = 1 To Ubound(m1.element,2)
      Next k
Next r
Operator= ans
End Operator

Operator +(m1 As matrix,m2 As matrix) As matrix
Dim rows As Integer=Ubound(m1.element,1)
Dim columns As Integer=Ubound(m2.element,2)
If Ubound(m1.element,1)<>Ubound(m2.element,1) or Ubound(m1.element,2)<>Ubound(m2.element,2) Then
      Print "Can't do plus"
      Exit Operator
End If
Dim As matrix ans
Redim ans.element(rows,columns)
Dim rxc As Double
For r As Integer=1 To rows
      For c As Integer=1 To columns
      Next c
Next r
Operator= ans
End Operator

Operator -(m1 As matrix,m2 As matrix) As matrix
Dim rows As Integer=Ubound(m1.element,1)
Dim columns As Integer=Ubound(m2.element,2)
If Ubound(m1.element,1)<>Ubound(m2.element,1) or Ubound(m1.element,2)<>Ubound(m2.element,2) Then
      Print "Can't do minus"
      Exit Operator
End If
Dim As matrix ans
Redim ans.element(rows,columns)
Dim rxc As Double
For r As Integer=1 To rows
      For c As Integer=1 To columns
      Next c
Next r
Operator= ans
End Operator

Function matrix.GaussJordan(rhs As vector) As vector
      Dim As Integer n=Ubound(rhs.element)
      Dim As vector ans=rhs,r=rhs
      Dim As matrix b=This
      #macro pivot(num)
      For p1 As Integer  = num To n - 1
            For p2 As Integer  = p1 + 1 To n  
                  If Abs(b.element(p1,num))<Abs(b.element(p2,num)) Then
                        Swap r.element(p1),r.element(p2)
                        For g As Integer=1 To n
                              Swap b.element(p1,g),b.element(p2,g)
                        Next g
                  End If
            Next p2
      Next p1
      If ExtremePivot=false Then :pivot(1): End If
      For k As Integer=1 To n-1
            If ExtremePivot=true Then: pivot(k) :End If             
            For row As Integer =k To n-1
                  If b.element(row+1,k)=0 Then Exit For
                  Var f=b.element(k,k)/b.element(row+1,k)
                  For g As Integer=1 To n
                  Next g
            Next row
      Next k
      'back substitute 
      For z As Integer=n To 1 Step -1
            For j As Integer = n To z+1 Step -1
            Next j
      Next    z
      Function = ans
End Function

Function matrix.inverse() As matrix
    If Ubound(element,1)<>Ubound(element,2)  Then
      Print "Can't do inverse"
      return 0
      end if
      Var ub1=Ubound(this.element,1),ub2=Ubound(this.element,2)
      Dim As matrix ans
      Dim As vector temp,null_
      Redim temp.element(1 To ub1):Redim null_.element(1 To ub1)
      Redim ans.element(1 To ub1,1 To ub2)
      For a As Integer=1 To ub1
            For b As Integer=1 To ub1
            Next b
      Next a
      Return ans
End Function

Function matrix.determinant() As Double
    If Ubound(element,1)<>Ubound(element,2)  Then
      Print "Can't do determinant"
      Exit function
      end if
      Dim As Integer n=Ubound(this.element,1),sign=1
      Dim As Double det=1,s=1
      Dim As Double b(1 To n,1 To n)
      For c As Integer=1 To n
            For d As Integer=1 To n
            Next d
      Next c
      #macro pivot(num)
      For p1 As Integer  = num To n - 1
            For p2 As Integer  = p1 + 1 To n  
                  If Abs(b(p1,num))<Abs(b(p2,num)) Then
                        For g As Integer=1 To n
                              Swap b(p1,g),b(p2,g)
                        Next g
                  End If
            Next p2
      Next p1
      If ExtremePivot=false Then :pivot(1): End If
      For k As Integer=1 To n-1
            If ExtremePivot =true Then: pivot(k) :End If      
            For row As Integer =k To n-1
                  If b(row+1,k)=0 Then Exit For
                  Var f=b(k,k)/b(row+1,k)
                  For g As Integer=1 To n
                        'divide by f here seems ok
                  Next g
            Next row
      Next k
      For z As Integer=1 To n
      Next z
      Return sign*det
End Function

Sub Interpolate(x_values() As Double,y_values() As Double,p() As Double)
      Var n=Ubound(x_values)
      Dim As matrix Mat
      Redim mat.element(1 To n,1 To n)
      Dim As vector rhs,ans
      Redim rhs.element(1 To n)
      Redim ans.element(1 To n)
      Redim p(0):Redim p(1 To n)
      For a As Integer=1 To n
            For b As Integer=1 To n
            Next b
      Next a
      'Solve the linear equations
      For z As Integer=1 To n:p(z)=ans.element(z):Next
      End Sub
      Sub setmatrix(m As matrix,d() As Double)
            For n1 As Long=1 To Ubound(d,1)
                  For n2 As Long=1 To Ubound(d,2)
      End Sub
      'vandermode of x
      Function vandermonde(x_values() As Double,w As Long) As matrix
            Dim As matrix mat
            Var n=Ubound(x_values)
            Redim mat.element(1 To n,1 To w)
            For a As Integer=1 To n
                  For b As Integer=1 To w
                  Next b
            Next a
            Return mat
      End Function
      Sub regress(x_values() As Double,y_values() As Double,ans() As Double,n As Long)
            Redim ans(1 To Ubound(x_values))
            Dim As matrix m1= vandermonde(x_values(),n)
            Dim As matrix T=m1.transpose
            Dim As vector y 
            Redim y.element(1 To Ubound(ans))
            For n As Long=1 To Ubound(y_values)
            Next n
            Dim As vector result=(((T*m1).inverse)*T)*y
            Redim Preserve ans(1 To n)
            For n As Long=1 To Ubound(ans)
            Next n
      End Sub
      'Evaluate a polynomial at x
      Function polyeval(Coefficients() As Double,Byval x As Double) As Double
            Dim As Double acc
            For i As Long=Ubound(Coefficients) To Lbound(Coefficients) Step -1
            Next i
            Return acc
      End Function
      '=========== SET UP A SYSTEM ======================
      Dim As Double d1(1 To 3,1 To 5)={ {2,7,9,0,1},_
                                        {0,7,-6,2,7}, _
      Dim As matrix a1,a2
      print !"a1\n"
      Print a1
      Dim As Double d2(1 To 5,1 To 3)={ {2,7,9},_
                                        {0,7,-6}, _
                                        {9,9,1}, _
                                        {0,9,0}, _
                                        {6,7,7} }
      print !"a2\n"
      print a2
      print !"a1*a2\n"
      print a1*a2
       print !"a2*a1\n"
      print a2*a1
      dim as matrix m=matrix(2,3)
      print !"m\n"
      print m
      print !"m.transpose\n"
      print m.transpose
      print !"(m.transpose)*m\n"
      print (m.transpose)*m
      print !"m*(m.transpose)\n"
      print m*(m.transpose)
      print "Checking guards"
      print m.determinant
      print m.inverse
      print m+a1
Posts: 222
Joined: Feb 18, 2009 12:47
Location: New Zealand

Re: Easy matrix

Post by Luxan »

I want to dimension an arbitrary number of arrays, each with independent sizes for
their dimensions.
Then I need to index each array, as a separate entity.

I'm able to get a pointer to an array that I re dimension within a function.
To get the correct pointers to all of the arrays, adding in an offset of (n+m)*sizeof(var)
is suggested.

These pointers to be stored in a separate array.
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Location: Paris suburbs, FRANCE

Re: Easy matrix

Post by fxm »

Do your arrays of different sizes nevertheless all have the same dimension (same number of indexes) ?
Posts: 222
Joined: Feb 18, 2009 12:47
Location: New Zealand

Re: Easy matrix

Post by Luxan »

I'm using 2 dimensional arrays and 1 dimensional arrays, these are destined to be used
as matrices and vectors.

Also looking at what others have done with constructors, something I'm not familiar with.
Posts: 12132
Joined: Apr 22, 2009 12:46
Location: Paris suburbs, FRANCE

Re: Easy matrix

Post by fxm »

I propose a structure for indexed vectors and another for indexed matrices:

Code: Select all

Type Vector
    Dim As Integer element(Any)
    Declare Sub Resize(Byval n As Integer)
    Declare Property Ubound() As Integer
End Type

Sub Vector.Resize(Byval n As Integer)
    Redim Preserve This.element(n - 1)
End Sub

Property Vector.Ubound() As Integer
    Return ..Ubound(This.element)
End property


Dim As Vector indexedVector()

' Creating a first vector (index 0)
Redim Preserve indexedVector(Ubound(indexedVector) + 1)
' Sizing this first vector (index 0)
' Filling this first vector (index 0)
For I As Integer = 0 To indexedVector(0).Ubound
    indexedVector(0).element(I) = I + 1
Next I

' Adding a seconf vector (index 1)
Redim Preserve indexedVector(Ubound(indexedVector) + 1)
' Sizing this second vector (index 1)
' Filling this second vector (index 1)
For I As Integer = 0 To indexedVector(1).Ubound
    indexedVector(1).element(I) = I + 1
Next I

' Printing all indexed vectors
For K As Integer = 0 To Ubound(indexedVector)
    For I As Integer = 0 To indexedVector(K).Ubound
        Print indexedVector(K).element(I),
    Next I
Next K


Code: Select all

Type Matrix
    Dim As Integer element(Any, Any)
    Declare Sub Resize(Byval n1 As Integer, Byval n2 As Integer)
    Declare Property Ubound(Byval n As Integer) As Integer
End Type

Sub Matrix.Resize(Byval n1 As Integer, Byval n2 As Integer)
    Redim Preserve This.element(n1 - 1, n2 - 1)
End Sub

Property Matrix.Ubound(Byval n As Integer) As Integer
    Return ..Ubound(This.element, n)
End property


Dim As Matrix indexedMatrix()

' Creating a first matrix (index 0)
Redim Preserve indexedMatrix(Ubound(indexedMatrix) + 1)
' Sizing this first matrix (index 0)
indexedMatrix(0).Resize(2, 3)
' Filling this first matrix (index 0)
For I As Integer = 0 To indexedMatrix(0).Ubound(1)
    For J As Integer = 0 To indexedMatrix(0).Ubound(2)
        indexedMatrix(0).element(I, J) = I * 10 + J + 1
    Next J
Next I

' Adding a seconf matrix (index 1)
Redim Preserve indexedMatrix(Ubound(indexedMatrix) + 1)
' Sizing this second matrix (index 1)
indexedMatrix(1).Resize(4, 5)
' Filling this second matrix (index 1)
For I As Integer = 0 To indexedMatrix(1).Ubound(1)
    For J As Integer = 0 To indexedMatrix(1).Ubound(2)
        indexedMatrix(1).element(I, J) = I * 10 + J + 1
    Next J
Next I

' Printing all indexed matrices
For K As Integer = 0 To Ubound(indexedMatrix)
    For I As Integer = 0 To indexedMatrix(K).Ubound(1)
        For J As Integer = 0 To indexedMatrix(K).Ubound(2)
            Print indexedMatrix(K).element(I, J),
        Next J
    Next I
Next K

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Re: Easy matrix

Post by Luxan »

Looks more than promising.

I'm imagining how I might incorporate this into my other Freebasic code,
seems straight forward.
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Location: Scotland

Re: Easy matrix

Post by dodicat »

You can have a simple array of matrices.
(Why do you need pointers to a matrix?)

Code: Select all

const decplaces=3
#define gap(x) string(5*decplaces-len(x)," ")

#define roundresult(x,N) rtrim(rtrim(left(str((x)+(.5*sgn((x)))/(10^(N))),instr(str((x)+(.5*sgn((x)))/(10^(N))),".")+(N)),"0"),".")
#define Cround(x,N) iif(roundresult(x,N)="","0",roundresult(x,N))
Type matrix 
      Dim As Double element(Any,Any)
      Declare Operator Cast() As String
      Declare Constructor(As Long,As Long)
      declare constructor
      declare sub set(as long,as long,as double)
      declare operator +=(as matrix) 
End Type

sub matrix.set(r as long,c as long,x as double)
end sub

Operator matrix.cast() As String 'for printing
Dim As String ans,comma
For a As Integer=1 To Ubound(this.element,1)
      For b As Integer=1 To Ubound(this.element,2)
            If b=Ubound(this.element,2) Then comma="" Else comma=","
            Var q=Str(Cround(element(a,b),decplaces))
      Next b
Next a
Operator= ans
End Operator

Operator +(m1 As matrix,m2 As matrix) As matrix
Dim rows As Integer=Ubound(m1.element,1)
Dim columns As Integer=Ubound(m2.element,2)
If Ubound(m1.element,1)<>Ubound(m2.element,1) or Ubound(m1.element,2)<>Ubound(m2.element,2) Then
      Print "Can't do plus"
      Exit Operator
End If
Dim As matrix ans
Redim ans.element(rows,columns)
For r As Integer=1 To rows
      For c As Integer=1 To columns
      Next c
Next r
Operator= ans
End Operator

operator matrix.+=(m as matrix)
this= this+m
end operator

Constructor matrix (r As Long,c As Long)
Redim element(1 To r,1 To c)
End Constructor

constructor matrix
end constructor

dim as long lim=1000

dim as matrix m(1 to lim)     'ARRAY OF MATRICES

for n as long=1 to lim
      for z1 as long=1 to 2
            for z2 as long=1 to 2
      next z2
next z1
if n < 6 or n>lim-5 then
print "matrix ";n
      print m(n)
      locate csrlin-1
      print "------------------"
      end if
next n

dim as matrix tot=matrix(2,2)
for n as long=1 to lim
print "All added up"
print tot

In my previous matrix posts to you, could you add the empty constructor, as in the above, and
Declare Constructor(As Long,As Long) as the other constructor.
Also in the inverse
Print "Can't do inverse"
return unit(0)
end if
(return 0 will give an error, as it should have done without the empty constructor)
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Location: New Zealand

Re: Easy matrix

Post by Luxan »

Hi dodicat

Your approach is interesting, I'm learning new concepts.
Does the use of a constructor and elaborate types mean a longer run time.

The arrays I intend to use might be of type string, most likely though they'll be of type
single or double; these are of differing dimensions, your code might accommodate that.

The array of matrices approach is what I did with an entirely different language.
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Re: Easy matrix

Post by fxm »

Luxan wrote: Jul 27, 2022 22:31 Does the use of a constructor and elaborate types mean a longer run time.

In this above application case yes, because for each indexed matrix, 2 objects are built, one of which is temporary, then this temporary object is destroyed:
  • 'dim as matrix m(1 to lim)'
    • each all objects are default constructed ('dim as matrix') with a non-sized member array,
    'm(n) = matrix(2,2)'
    • for each of such objects, a temporary object is built with a sized member array ('matrix(2,2)'), this temporary object is then copied into the initial object ('m(n) = ...'), then this temporary object is destroyed.
That is why in my code, I did not define a sizing constructor, just a simple separate resizing method to only apply directly on the object.
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Re: Easy matrix

Post by dodicat »

Example of using arrays only for matrices.
(linear equations using determinants only)

Code: Select all

Dim Shared As boolean ExtremePivot
const decplaces=20

#define roundresult(x,N) rtrim(rtrim(left(str((x)+(.5*sgn((x)))/(10^(N))),instr(str((x)+(.5*sgn((x)))/(10^(N))),".")+(N)),"0"),".")
#define Cround(x,N) iif(roundresult(x,N)="","0",roundresult(x,N))
'don't use cround here
Function determinant(matrix() As Double) As Double
      Dim As Long n=Ubound(matrix,1),sign=1
      Dim As Double det=1,s=1
      Dim As Double b(1 To n,1 To n)
      For c As Long=1 To n
            For d As Long=1 To n
            Next d
      Next c
      #macro pivot(num)
      For p1 As Long  = num To n - 1
            For p2 As Long  = p1 + 1 To n  
                  If Abs(b(p1,num))<Abs(b(p2,num)) Then
                        For g As Long=1 To n
                              Swap b(p1,g),b(p2,g)
                        Next g
                  End If
            Next p2
      Next p1
      If ExtremePivot=false Then :pivot(1): End If
      For k As Long=1 To n-1
            If ExtremePivot=true Then: pivot(k) :End If     
            For row As Long =k To n-1
                  If b(row+1,k)=0 Then Exit For
                  Var f=b(k,k)/b(row+1,k)
                  For g As Long=1 To n
                  Next g
            Next row
      Next k
      For z As Long=1 To n
      Next z
      Return sign*det
End Function

Sub swapcolumn(m() As Double,c() As Double,_new() As Double,column As Long)
      Redim _new(1 To Ubound(m,1),1 To Ubound(m,1))
      For x As Long=1 To Ubound(m,1)
            For y As Long=1 To Ubound(m,1)
            Next y
      Next x
      For z As Long=1 To Ubound(m,1)
      Next z
End Sub

Sub solve(mat() As Double,rhs() As Double,_out() As Double)
      If Ubound(mat,1) <> Ubound(rhs,1) Then  Print "Can't do solve":Return
      Redim _out(Lbound(mat,1) To Ubound(mat,1),1 To 1)
      Redim As Double result(Lbound(mat,1) To Ubound(mat,1),Lbound(mat,1) To Ubound(mat,1))
      Dim As Double maindeterminant=determinant(mat())
      If Abs(maindeterminant) < 1e-12 Then Print "singular":Return 
      For column As Long=1 To Ubound(mat,1)
            _out(column,1)= determinant(result())/maindeterminant
End Sub

Sub matmult(m1() As Double,m2() As Double,ans() As Double)
      Dim rows As Long=Ubound(m1,1)
      Dim columns As Long=Ubound(m2,2)
      If Ubound(m1,2)<>Ubound(m2,1) Then Print "Can't do matmult":Return
      Redim ans(1 To rows,1 To columns)
      Dim rxc As Double
      For r As Long=1 To rows
            For c As Long=1 To columns
                  For k As Long = 1 To Ubound(m1,2)
                  Next k
            Next c
      Next r
End Sub

Sub show(A() As Double)
        For n As Long=1 To Ubound(A,1)
            For m As Long=1 To Ubound(A,2)
                 ' Print Cround(A(n,m),decplaces);" ";
                  Print A(n,m);" ";
      End Sub

Dim As Double MainMat(1 To ...,1 To ...)={{2,-1,5,1}, _
                                          {3,2,2,-6}, _
                                          {1,3,3,-1}, _

Dim As Double rhs(1 To ...,1 To 1)= {{-3}, _
                                    {-32}, _
                                    {-47}, _

Print "Main matrix"
Print "Right hand side vector"

Redim ans() As Double
Print "Solution Main Matrix * (something) = Right hand side vector"

Redim As Double res()
Print "Check the right hand side vector is returned"
print "i.e. Matrix * (solution) = Right hand side vector"
Dim As Double d1(1 To 3,1 To 5)={ {2,7,9,0,1},_
                                  {0,7,-6,2,7}, _
Dim As Double d2(1 To 5,1 To 3)={ {2,7,9},_
                                  {0,7,-6}, _
                                  {9,9,1}, _
                                  {0,9,0}, _
                                  {6,7,7} }
Print "Matrix 1"
Print "Matrix 2"
Redim As Double product()
Print "Product Matrix 1 x Matrix 2"
Print "Product Matrix 2 x Matrix 1"
Dim As Double a(1 To ...,1 To 1)= {{-3}, _
                                   {-32}, _
                                   {-47.5}, _
                                   {49}, _
                                   {-5.5}, _
                                   {-1}, _
Print "matrix a"
Dim As Double b(1 To 1,1 To ...)= {{-2,-7.7,21.1,2,0,6,5}}
Print "matrix b"
 Redim As Double c()
 Print "a*b"
 Print "b*a"

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