rave palette maker

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rave palette maker

Post by dafhi »

palette maker w/ unique interface

2023 Nov 4

Code: Select all

'' can view multiple files at once, but only .bmp
#define file1 ".bmp"
#define file2 ".bmp"
#define file3 ".bmp"

'' you may also want to change this
#define file_dir "photos/"

/' - rave palette maker - 2023 Nov 4 - by dafhi

  evolved from an initial idea to hard-code 'universal' palette
    new:  improved palette element selection logic
  hue align (H key)

'#include "ravepal_backend.bas"
/' - ravepal backend - 2023 Oct 30 - by dafhi

'#include "../ui_elements.bas"
' -------- ui_elements.bas - 2023 Oct 27 - by dafhi
'#include once "util.bas"
' -- util.bas - 2023 Oct 30 - by dafhi
'#include "boilerplate.bas"
/' -- boilerplate.bas - 2023 Oct 25 - by dafhi

  + ------------------------ +
  |  freebasic  |  c++       |
  + ----------- + ---------- +
  |  true = -1  |  true = 1  |
  |  0.99 =  1  |  0.99 = 0  | .. i hope that covers it
  +------------- ----------- +


'' replaces int (and faster) - http://www.freebasic.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=118633
#define flo(x)      (((x)*2.0-0.5)shr 1)
' gcc make it obsolete w/ speed options mentioned by UEZ and DeltaRho
'  -arch native -Wc -Ofast,-mfpmath=sse,-funroll-loops
#define sng         as single
#define dbl         as double

#define decl    declare
#define oper    operator
#define prop    property

function min( a as double, b as double ) as double
  return iif( a < b, a, b)
end function

function max( a as double, b as double ) as double
  return iif( a > b, a, b)
end function

function clamp( in dbl, hi dbl = 1, lo dbl = 0) dbl
  return min( max(in, lo), hi ) '' June 12
End Function

function bclamp( i sng ) as ubyte '' Feb 23
  return min( max( i, 0), 255 )
End Function

function round( i sng, places as byte = 0) as string '' dafhi 2023 Oct 31
  dim as long pow10 = 10^(places+0)
  dim as string s = str( int(i*pow10+.5)/pow10 )
  for i as long = 0 to len(s)-1
    if s[ i ] = 46 then return left(s,i+places+1)
  return s
end function
#macro sw( a, b, tmp )
  tmp = a: a = b: b = tmp

function triwave( i sng ) sng
  return abs( i - flo(i) - .5 ) - .25  '' by Stonemonkey
end function

function _cchsv(h sng, s sng, v sng) as ubyte
  var wave_hgt = s * v
  var elevate = v - wave_hgt
  return 255 * (wave_hgt * clamp(triwave(h)*6 + .5) + elevate) '' 2023 Oct 25
'  return 255.499 *
end function

function hsv( h sng=0, s sng=1, v sng=1 ) as ulong
    return rgb( _
  _cchsv( h + 0/3, s,v ), _
  _cchsv( h + 2/3, s,v ), _
  _cchsv( h + 1/3, s,v ) )
end function

type imagevars '2022 Mar 15 - by dafhi
  '1. quick reference for ScreenInfo & ImageInfo
  '2. encapsulate standard metrics
  '3. convenient additional vars, subs and functions
  as long            w,h, bpp,bypp,pitch, rate
  as string             driver_name
  as any ptr            im
  as any ptr            pixels    'same address
  as ulong ptr          p32       '
  as single             wh,hh, diagonal
  as integer            pitchBy, wm = -1, hm = -1, u = -1, is_screen
  declare sub           create(w as integer=0, h as integer=0, col as ulong=&HFF000000)
  declare sub           bmp_load( ByRef filename As String )
                        '2017 Aug 17
  declare sub           get_info(im as any ptr=0)
  declare               destructor
  declare sub           _release
  as any ptr            hRelease
  declare sub           _specialized
end type

Destructor.imagevars:  _release
End Destructor

sub imagevars._release                             '2016 Aug 30
  w=0: h=0: bpp=0: bypp=0: im=0: pixels=0
  If ImageInfo(hRelease) = 0 Then ImageDestroy hRelease:  hRelease = 0
End Sub

sub imagevars._specialized
  wm = w - 1:  wh = w/2
  hm = h - 1:  hh = h/2
  pitchBy = pitch \ bypp:  u = h*pitchBy - 1
  p32 = pixels:  diagonal = sqr(w*w + h*h)
End Sub

sub imagevars.get_info(im as any ptr)
  if im=0 then
    ScreenInfo w,h, bpp, bypp, pitch, rate, driver_name:  pixels=screenptr
    is_screen = -1: im=0
  elseif Imageinfo(im)=0 then
    ImageInfo im, w, h, bypp, pitch, pixels:  bpp = bypp * 8
    this.im = im:  is_screen = 0
  endif: hRelease = im:  p32=pixels
  wm=w-1:  wh=w/2:  pitchBy=pitch/bypp '' crashes if \ and bypp = 0
  hm=h-1:  hh=h/2:  u = h*pitchBy - 1
end sub

sub imagevars.create(_w as integer, _h as integer, col as ulong)
  if _w<1 or _h<1 then exit sub '2017 sep 1
  release:  get_info imagecreate(_w,_h,col)
End Sub

sub imagevars.bmp_load( ByRef filename As String )  'modified fb example
  Dim As integer filenum = FreeFile()', w,h '2017 Sep 28 .. long to integer
  for i as integer = 1 to 2
    If Open( filename For Binary Access Read As #filenum ) = 0 Then
      dim as ushort w,h
      Get #filenum, 19, w
      Get #filenum, 23, h
      create w, abs(h)
      bload filename, im:  close #filenum: exit for
    Close #filenum
    filename = exepath & "\" & filename
End sub

  declare operator let( as ulong )
  declare operator cast as ulong
  declare operator cast as string
  As Ulong        col
  As Ulong        argb
  Type: As UByte  B,G,R,A
  End Type
End Union

operator UARGB.cast as ulong
  return rgb(r,g,b)
end operator

operator UARGB.let( in as ulong )
  b = in
  g = in shr 8
  r = in shr 16
end operator

operator uARGB.cast as string
  return str(r) + " " + str(g) + " " + str(b)
end operator

  function qdr(a as any ptr, b as any ptr) as longint
    dim as uargb ptr uara = a, uarb = b
    const pow = 2
    dim as longint dr = abs(uara->r - uarb->r)
    dim as longint dg = abs(uara->g - uarb->g)
    dim as longint db = abs(uara->b - uarb->b)
      return _
    (dr * 1) ^ pow +_
    (dg * (1 + .10)) ^ pow +_
    (db * (1 - .10)) ^ pow
  End Function

' --- floyd steinberg dithering - 2023 Sep 19 - by dafhi
'  Input:  truecolor image metrics and target color (per pixel)
'  output:  truecolor quantized and dithered

' ---------------------

type tFloydSteinberg
  as long             wm,hm,pitch
  as ubyte ptr        r0,g0,b0
  as long             offa,offb,offc,offd
  declare sub         metrics(w as long, h as long, pitch as long, pixels as ubyte ptr)
  declare sub         drop_it(x as long, y as long, newcol as ulong)
  declare sub         n(off as long, amount as long)
  as long             re,ge,be, r,g,b, cen
End Type

sub tFloydSteinberg.metrics(w as long, h as long, _pitch as long, pixels as ubyte ptr)
  wm=w-1: hm=h-1: pitch=_pitch
  b0=pixels: g0=pixels+1: r0=pixels+2
  offa=4: offb=pitch+4: offc=pitch: offd=pitch-4
End Sub

sub tFloydSteinberg.n(off as long, amount as long)
  r=r0[off] + (re*amount)shr 4:  r0[off] = bclamp(r)
  g=g0[off] + (ge*amount)shr 4:  g0[off] = bclamp(g)
  b=b0[off] + (be*amount)shr 4:  b0[off] = bclamp(b)
End Sub

sub tFloydSteinberg.drop_it(x as long, y as long, newcol as ulong)
  r=(newcol shr 16)and 255
  g=(newcol shr 8)and 255
  b= newcol and 255
  cen=x*4 + y*pitch
  re=r0[cen]-r:  r0[cen]=r
  ge=g0[cen]-g:  g0[cen]=g
  be=b0[cen]-b:  b0[cen]=b
  if x<wm then n offa+cen, 7  '' 2023 Sept 19
  if y<hm then                ''
    n offb+cen, 1             ''
    n offc+cen, 5
    if x>0 then n offd+cen, 3
End Sub

type thsv   '' floating point members for ravepal project

  as short       h   '' old:  short
  as byte       s,v '' old:  byte (not ubyte)
  decl oper let( as ulong )
  decl oper cast as ulong
  decl oper cast as string
'  decl prop dlt( as thsv ) sng
End type

oper thsv.cast as ulong
  return hsv ( h /1530, s/255, v/255 )
end oper

oper thsv.cast as string
  return "hsv "+round(h,1)+" "+round(s,1)+" "+round(v,1)
end oper

oper thsv.let( col as ulong )
  static as ubyte ptr lo, mi, hi, tmp
  static as uargb     uar
  uar = col
  lo = @uar.r
  mi = @uar.g
  hi = @uar.b
  if *lo > *hi then sw( lo, hi, tmp )
  if *lo > *mi then sw( lo, mi, tmp )
  if *mi > *hi then sw( mi, hi, tmp )
  this.v = *hi
  this.s = iif( *hi=0, 0, 255*((*hi-*lo)/*hi) )
  if (*hi = uar.g) then
    this.h = 510 + 255 * (uar.b - uar.r) / (*hi-*lo)
  elseif *hi = uar.b then
    this.h = 1020 + 255 * (uar.r - uar.g) / (*hi-*lo)
    if uar.g>uar.b then
      this.h = 0 + 255 * (uar.g - uar.b) / (*hi-*lo)
      this.h = 1265 + 255 * (uar.r - uar.b) / (*hi-*lo)

end oper

'prop thsv.dlt( in as thsv ) sng
'  return (in.h-h)^2+(in.s-s)^2+(in.v-v)^2
'end prop

union uptrs
  as any ptr          a
  as ubyte ptr        b
  as ushort ptr       sho
  as ulong ptr        ul
  as ulongint ptr     uli
  As Single Ptr       s
  as double ptr       d
End Union
' -------- boilerplate.bas
' ----- util.bas

  namespace ui_elements

type rect
  declare constructor
  declare constructor( as short = 0, as short = 0, as short = 0, as short = 0 )
  declare operator cast as string
  as short    x,y, w,h
  declare function  n( as short, as short ) as boolean
end type

constructor rect
end constructor

constructor rect( _x as short, _y as short, _w as short, _h as short )
  x=_x: w=_w
  y=_y: h=_h
end constructor

operator rect.cast as string
  return "xy " + str(x) + " " + str(y) + " wh " + str(w) + " " + str(h)
end operator

function  rect.n( a as short, b as short ) as boolean
  return a>=x and b>=y and a<(x+w) and b<(y+h)
end function

type multi_rect
  declare function  which_elem( as short, as short ) as long
  as rect           rc(any)
end type

function multi_rect.which_elem( _x as short, _y as short ) as long
  for i as long = 0 to ubound(rc)
    if rc(i).n(_x, _y) then return i
  return -1
end function

type rect_grid  extends multi_rect
  declare function  which_elem overload ( as short, as short ) as long
  declare property  c as long
  as short          x, cols
  as short          y, rows
  as short          btn_w, btn_h, spacing
end type

property rect_grid.c as long
  return cols * rows
end property

function rect_grid.which_elem( _x as short, _y as short ) as long
  static as rect  rc
  for iy as long = 0 to (rows-1)
    dim as long y0 = y + iy*spacing
    for ix as long = 0 to (cols-1)
      dim as long x0 = x + ix*spacing'
        if type<rect>(x0,y0,btn_w,btn_h).n(_x, _y) then _
      return iy*cols + ix
  return -1
end function

sub xy_cols_rows( byref g as rect_grid, _
  x as short = 10, y as short = 10, _
  cols as short = 2, rows as short = 1)
  g.x= x: g.cols = cols
  g.y= y:  g.rows = rows
end sub

sub btnsize_and_spacing( byref g as rect_grid, _
  btn_w as short, btn_h as short, spacing as short )

  g.btn_w = btn_w
  g.btn_h = btn_h
  g.spacing = spacing
end sub

end namespace
' -------- ui_elements.bas
' ---------- ravepal_backend.bas

  dim shared as string pal_file:  pal_file = "mypal.txt"

  namespace gp_pal

enum edit_mode
end enum

const         btn_wh = 40

dim as long           mode=1, help_shown

dim dbl     help_timer, tp  
sub help_screen
  if help_timer <= 0 then exit sub
  locate 2
  if mode then
    ? " (help text will stay on for a while.  toggle at any time with F1"
    ? "pick fave or press 'd' until you find something decent"
    ? "pressing 'c' will randomize less."
    ? "shift-S saves mypal.txt"
    ? "M switches mode"
    ? " click palette elements for range"
    ? " keys"
    ? "Left Right       - Hue"
    ? "Up Down (shift)  - Val (sat)"
    ? "H - hue align"
    ? "1, 2             - edit endpoint"
    ? "V - to mem"
    ? "R - restore"
    ? " other keys"
    ? "Z X - pal size"
    ? "W - swap endpoints "
    ? " acknowledgement:  floyd-steinberg dithering"
  var dt = timer - tp:  tp = timer
  help_timer -= dt
end sub

sub show_help
  help_timer = iif( help_timer > 0, 0, 1 )
  help_timer *= iif( mode, 45, 35 )
  tp = timer
end sub

dim as imagevars buf

dim as ulong    _pal(255)
dim as byte     i_group

function f_palsize as long
  return 2 shl i_group
end function

sub to_file( filename as string )
  var f = freefile
    open filename for output as f
  for j as long = 0 to f_palsize - 1
    dim as string q
    for i as long = 5 to 0 step -1
      q += hex( (_pal(j) shr i*4)and 15) 
    put #f,,q
    put #f,, chr(10)
  close f
end sub

dim as ubyte    group_size(7) = {2,2,4,8,16,32,64,128}
dim as ubyte    group_start(ubound(group_size))
dim as string   str_pal_size
dim as string   str_value

type hsv_segment
  as thsv       c,c1
  declare property  blank as boolean
end type

property hsv_segment.blank as boolean
  return c.v = 0 and c1.v = 0
end property

dim as hsv_segment     fave(2), mem_hsv', avg(1)

type tPicGroup extends ui_elements.multi_rect
  declare sub   set_rects
  as imagevars  im(any)
end type

sub tPicGroup.set_rects
  dim as long i_im_src, i_src_inc
  if mode = single_img_variant then
    redim rc(ubound(fave))
    redim rc(ubound(im))
    i_src_inc = 1
  rc(0) = type( 1,1,im(0).w, im(0).h )
  dim as long x=rc(0).x
  dim as long y=rc(0).y
  for i as long = 1 to ubound(rc)
    if rc(i-1).h > rc(i-1).w orelse y + im(i-1).h >= buf.h then
      x += rc(i-1).w+1
      y = 1
      y += rc(i-1).h+1
    i_im_src += i_src_inc
    rc(i) = type( x, y, im(i_im_src).w, im(i_im_src).h )
end sub

  dim as tPicGroup  pic_group

sub add_bmp( file as string )
  var u = ubound( pic_group.im) + 1
  redim preserve pic_group.im( u )
  pic_group.im(u).bmp_load file_dir + file
end sub

dim sng hsv_h(255)
dim sng hsv_s(255)
dim sng hsv_v(255)

sub grad_vsh( v0 sng = 1, s0 sng = 1, h0 sng = 0, _
  _c as long = -1, v1 sng = 1, s1 sng = 1, h1 sng = 0, _
  h1_abs as boolean = false, _i as long = -1, leap_frog as long = 1 )
  static as long i:  i = iif( _i < 0, i, _i )
  static as long c = 1:  c = iif( _c < 0, c, _c )
  v0 /= 32
  s0 /= 32
  h0 /= 72
  v1 /= 32
  s1 /= 32
  h1 /= 72

  dim sng inverse = 1 / max(c-1,1)
  s1 = (s1-s0)* inverse
  v1 = (v1-v0)* inverse
  h1 = iif( h1_abs, (h1-h0)* inverse, h1 )
  for j as long = 0 to c - 1
    hsv_s( j*leap_frog+i ) = s0 + j * s1
    hsv_v( j*leap_frog+i ) = v0 + j * v1
    hsv_h( j*leap_frog+i ) = h0 + j * h1
  i += c
end sub

  dim as long pos_a = 1
  dim as long pos_b = 3
  dim as long c
sub calc_selrange_size
  c = pos_b + 1 - pos_a
end sub

sub pal_update( q as hsv_segment )

  dim sng h = (q.c.h + 0), h1 = (q.c1.h + 0)
  dim sng s = (q.c.s + 0), s1 = (q.c1.s + 0)
  dim sng v = (q.c.v + 0), v1 = (q.c1.v + 0)
  var h1_abs = true
  grad_vsh v,s,h, c, v1,s1, h1, h1_abs, pos_a
  for i as long = pos_a to pos_b
    _pal(i) = hsv( hsv_h(i), hsv_s(i), hsv_v(i) )
end sub

  dim as ui_elements.rect_grid  pal_btns

sub btn_gfx( rc as ui_elements.rect, col as long = &HFF, out_col as long = &HFF0000 )
  dim as long border = 1
    if border then _
  line (rc.x,rc.y)-(rc.x+rc.w-2,rc.y+rc.h-2), out_col, b
  line (rc.x+border,rc.y+border) - _
  (rc.x+rc.w-0-border, rc.y+rc.h-0-border), col, bf
end sub

function in_selection( i as long, a as long, b as long ) as boolean
  return (i >= min(a,b)) and (i <= max(a,b))
end function

sub _draw_palette
  static as ui_elements.rect rc
  if mode then exit sub

  rc = type(0,0, pal_btns.btn_w, pal_btns.btn_w )
  for y as long = 0 to pal_btns.rows-1
    rc.y = pal_btns.y + y*pal_btns.spacing
    for x as long = 0 to pal_btns.cols-1
      rc.x = pal_btns.x + x * pal_btns.spacing
      dim as long i = min( ubound(_pal), y*pal_btns.cols + x )
            dim as ulong col_outline = _
          iif( in_selection(i, pos_a, pos_b), _
        rgb(255,255,255), rgb(30,30,30) )
      btn_gfx rc, _pal(i),  col_outline
end sub

  dim as long img_selected

  dim as tFloydSteinberg  fs  
  const         u_rc_mode_1 = 1
sub show
  dim as long   upal = f_palsize-1
  dim as uptrs  upr
  for i_rc as long = 0 to iif(mode,u_rc_mode_1,ubound(pic_group.rc))
    var rc = pic_group.rc(i_rc)
    if mode and (i_rc > u_rc_mode_1) then
      rc.w = 0
      rc.h = 0
    var i_im = iif( mode, 0, i_rc )
    var i_fave = iif( mode, i_rc, 0 )
    pal_update fave( i_fave )
    put (rc.x, rc.y), pic_group.im(i_im).im, pset
    var wm = min( rc.x + rc.w-1, fs.wm)
    for y as long = rc.y to min( rc.y + rc.h-1, fs.hm)
      upr.a = fs.b0 + y*fs.pitch
      for x as long = rc.x to wm
        var i = 0
        var s = qdr( @_pal(i), @upr.ul[x] )
        for j as long = 1 to upal
          var d = qdr( @_pal(j), @upr.ul[x] )
          if d<s then s=d: i=j
        fs.drop_it(x,y, _pal(i))
'        pset (x,y), 1-upr.ul[x]
  if mode then

end sub

  dim sng f0
  const   f0_start = .65
sub curve_reset
  f0 = 0
end sub

sub decay_curve_progress
  f0 += .16
end sub

function decay_curve  sng
  f0 = iif( f0 < f0_start, f0_start, f0)
  static sng ret: ret = f0
  return .8 + 1 / ret
end function

  const vs_max = 32

sub arrays_to_thsv( byref des as thsv, i_pal as long)
  des.h = hsv_h(i_pal) * 72
  des.s = hsv_s(i_pal) * vs_max
  des.v = hsv_v(i_pal) * vs_max
end sub

sub copy_and_tweak( byref des as hsv_segment, src as hsv_segment, _
    scalar sng = 1 )

  scalar *= decay_curve
  var h = 16 * scalar
  var vs = 4.5 * scalar
  des.c.h = h*(rnd-.5)+src.c.h:  des.c1.h = h*(rnd-.5)+src.c1.h
  des.c.s = src.c.s + vs * (rnd - .5): des.c1.s = src.c1.s + vs * (rnd - .5)
  des.c.v = src.c.v + vs * (rnd - .5): des.c1.v = src.c1.v + vs * (rnd - .5)
end sub
sub mutate( byref qq as hsv_segment )
  const b = 1
  qq.c.v = b+rnd*(vs_max-2*b): qq.c1.v = b+rnd*(vs_max-2*b)
  qq.c.s = b+rnd*(vs_max-2*b): qq.c1.s = b+rnd*(vs_max-2*b)
  qq.c.h = rnd*72: qq.c1.h = rnd*72
'  with fave(ubound(fave)-1)
'    .c.v = 0
'    .c1.v = 0
'  end with
end sub

  sub tweak_all( src as hsv_segment )
    for i as long = 0 to ubound(fave)
      copy_and_tweak fave(i), src
  end sub
sub mode_based_housekeeping
  if mode then
    ui_elements.btnsize_and_spacing pal_btns, 0,0,0
    mem_hsv = fave(0)
    tweak_all mem_hsv
    ui_elements.btnsize_and_spacing pal_btns, btn_wh, btn_wh, btn_wh
    fave(0) = mem_hsv
    img_selected = 0
end sub

sub mode_change
  mode = 1 - mode
end sub

  dim as thsv ptr uhs
function str_pal_elem as string
    return "  hsv  " +_
  round(uhs->h)+"/72  " +_
  round(uhs->s)+"/"+round(vs_max) +"  "+_
end function

  dim as long     _i_endpoint

sub sel_segpoint_0or1( i as long )
  i = iif(i, 1, 0)
  _i_endpoint = i
  arrays_to_thsv mem_hsv.c, pos_a
  arrays_to_thsv mem_hsv.c1, pos_b
  uhs = iif(i, @mem_hsv.c1, @mem_hsv.c)
  windowtitle "endpoint "+str(i) + str_pal_elem
end sub

sub _keep_hsv_minlier( i_fave as long )

    uses 2 (of h s v) biggest-change components
    from new set
  mem_hsv = fave(i_fave)
  if f0 <= f0_start then exit sub

  static as thsv ptr a: a = @mem_hsv.c
  static as thsv ptr b: b = @fave(i_fave).c
  static as thsv ptr c: c = @mem_hsv.c1
  static as thsv ptr d: d = @fave(i_fave).c1
  static sng  dh, ds, dv
  dh = (abs(a->h - b->h) + abs(c->h - d->h)) / 72
  ds = (abs(a->s - b->s) + abs(c->s - d->s)) / vs_max
  dv = (abs(a->v - b->v) + abs(c->v - d->v)) / vs_max
  dim as long i_component
  dim sng     dlt_min
  if dh < ds then
    dlt_min = dh
    dlt_min = ds: i_component = 1
  if dlt_min > dv then i_component = 2
  if i_component = 0 then
    a->s = b->s: c->s = d->s
    a->v = b->v: c->v = d->v
  elseif i_component = 1 then
    a->h = b->h: c->h = d->h
    a->v = b->v: c->v = d->v
    a->h = b->h: c->h = d->h
    a->s = b->s: c->s = d->s
end sub

function _handle_pal_click( x as long, y as long ) as long
  var pal_elem_tmp = pal_btns.which_elem( x, y )
  if pal_elem_tmp >= 0 then
    if pal_elem_tmp < pos_a then
      pos_a = pal_elem_tmp
      sel_segpoint_0or1 0
    elseif pal_elem_tmp > pos_b then
      pos_b = pal_elem_tmp
      sel_segpoint_0or1 1
    elseif pal_elem_tmp = pos_a then
      pos_a += -(pos_a < (f_palsize-1)) '' freebasic true = -1
    elseif pal_elem_tmp = pos_b then
      pos_b -= -(pos_b > group_start(i_group))
    elseif abs(pal_elem_tmp - pos_a) < abs(pal_elem_tmp - pos_b) then
      pos_a = pal_elem_tmp
      sel_segpoint_0or1 0
      pos_b = pal_elem_tmp
      sel_segpoint_0or1 1
    if pos_a = pos_b then sel_segpoint_0or1 0
    arrays_to_thsv mem_hsv.c, pos_a
    arrays_to_thsv mem_hsv.c1, pos_b
  return pal_elem_tmp >= 0
end function

sub handle_click( x as long, y as long )

  if _handle_pal_click( x, y ) then exit sub
  img_selected = pic_group.which_elem( x, y )
  if img_selected >= 0 then
    if mode then
      _keep_hsv_minlier img_selected
      tweak_all mem_hsv
      _keep_hsv_minlier 0
      windowtitle "pos "+str(pos_a)+" to "+str(pos_b)+" recorded"
end sub
sub adjust_vsh( amt as long, modkey as boolean = false, is_hue as boolean = false )
  dim as hsv_segment ptr  e = @fave(0)
  calc_selrange_size '' also calcs pos_a, pos_b
  if (pos_a = pos_b) or (_i_endpoint = 0) then
    uhs = @e->c
    uhs = @e->c1
  arrays_to_thsv e->c1, pos_b
  arrays_to_thsv e->c, pos_a

  if is_hue then
    if modkey then
      e->c.h += amt
      e->c1.h += amt
      uhs->h += amt
    if modkey then
      uhs->s += amt
      uhs->v += amt

  windowtitle str_pal_elem

end sub

sub hue_align
  if _i_endpoint then '' pos_b
    fave(0).c1.h = fave(0).c.h + (c-1)*72/c
    fave(0).c.h = fave(0).c1.h - (c-1)*72/c
end sub

sub depth_change( amt as long, force as long = false )

  dim as long leave = iif( force, 0, mode )

    if amt < 0 and i_group = 0  orelse _
  amt > 0 and i_group = 5 or leave then exit sub
  i_group += amt
  var columns = min( f_palsize, 8 )
  ui_elements.xy_cols_rows pal_btns, 350, 5, columns, f_palsize\columns
  ui_elements.btnsize_and_spacing pal_btns, btn_wh, btn_wh, btn_wh
  var pos_b_temp = group_start(i_group) + group_size(i_group) - 1
  if pos_b_temp < pos_b then pos_b = pos_b_temp
  str_pal_size = "pal size " + str( f_palsize )

  windowtitle str_pal_size
end sub

sub _initialize
  group_start(0) = 0
  for i as long = 1 to ubound(group_size)
    group_start(i) = group_start(i-1) + group_size(i-1)
  mutate mem_hsv
  mutate fave(0)

  var force = true
  for i as long = 1 to iif(1, 1, ubound(group_size)-0)
    depth_change 1, force
end sub

end namespace

#include "fbgfx.bi" '' key codes


sub Main

  screenres 1100,800, 32

    using gp_pal
  fs.metrics buf.w, buf.h, buf.pitch, buf.pixels
  add_bmp file1
  add_bmp file2
  add_bmp file3
  #if 1
  locate 2,2
  ? "F1 for help"
  sleep 1100

  #define extchar chr(255) '' L Shift, Alt, etc.

  Dim e As fb.EVENT
  Dim As Long x, y, buttons, res
  const is_hue = true
    res = GetMouse (x, y, , buttons)
      var ctrl_or_shift = _
    multikey(fb.sc_lshift) or multikey(fb.sc_control) or _
    multikey(fb.sc_alt) or multikey(fb.sc_rshift)
    If (ScreenEvent(@e)) Then
      Select Case e.Type
      select case e.scancode
        case fb.SC_ESCAPE
      if help_timer <= 0 then exit do
      help_timer = 0
        case fb.SC_F1
        case fb.SC_Z
      depth_change -1
        case fb.SC_X
      depth_change 1
        case fb.SC_W
      swap fave(0).c, fave(0).c1
        case fb.SC_D
      for i as long = 0 to ubound(fave)
      mutate fave(i)
      windowtitle ""

        case fb.SC_C
      for i as long = 0 to ubound(fave)
        copy_and_tweak fave(i), mem_hsv
        case fb.SC_H
        case fb.SC_V
      mem_hsv = fave(0)
      windowtitle "pos "+str(pos_a)+" to "+str(pos_b)+" recorded"
        case fb.SC_R, fb.SC_B
      fave(0) = mem_hsv
      img_selected = 0
        case fb.SC_M
      if help_shown then  help_timer = 0
      help_shown = true
        case fb.SC_1
      sel_segpoint_0or1 0
        case fb.SC_2
      sel_segpoint_0or1 1
        case fb.SC_S
      if ctrl_or_shift then
        pal_update mem_hsv
        to_file pal_file
        locate 2,2
        ? " file saved"
        ? exepath + pal_file

        case fb.SC_LEFT
      adjust_vsh -1, ctrl_or_shift, is_hue
        case fb.SC_RIGHT
      adjust_vsh 1, ctrl_or_shift, is_hue
        case fb.SC_UP
      adjust_vsh 1, ctrl_or_shift
        case fb.SC_DOWN
      adjust_vsh -1, ctrl_or_shift
      end select '' e.scancode
'        Case fb.EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE
'      x = e.x
'      y = e.y

'      If (e.button = fb.BUTTON_LEFT) Then   
        handle_click x, y
'      endif     
      end select
    endif ' screenevent
    sleep 15

end sub


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