Program icon not showing at least in Cinnamon

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Program icon not showing at least in Cinnamon

Post by xlucas »

Hi, guys. I've been compiling my programs with fbc and adding an icon for a long time and never had a problem with my previous distros, but now, since I've been using Linux Mint on Cinnamon, I've noticed that, when I run my compiled programs, the program icon doesn't show. Instead, in the panel, I'm getting a transparent/empty icon. This is true even for programs that I have compiled prior to having this distro and I'm just copying and running now, so it's not something that happens at compile time. Is this a known issue? And is there a way around this? Anybody else experienced the same? Thanks!
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Re: Program icon not showing at least in Cinnamon

Post by TeeEmCee »

I've never tried Cinnamon and haven't bothered with embedding an .xpm icon into Linux executables anyway so can't say. Sounds like a problem that might not be FB specific. A quick search found this comment, does that match your symptoms?
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Re: Program icon not showing at least in Cinnamon

Post by xlucas »

Uhm... nope. That seems to be about the icon changing for some configurations. What I'm saying here is that, when you run a program compiled with FreeBasic, the icon that shows in the program bar is empty. If you run programs that have not been compiled with FreeBasic, you do see their icon. If you run programs that have been compiled with FreeBasic, but you run them in some other desktop environment, the icon is shown properly.

In other words, it looks like the way in which FBC stores the icon in the executable works most of the time, but is not the way in which desktop environments expect it to be stored. I wonder what the tiny detail must be that makes a difference.
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