Win 11 console

Windows specific questions.
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Win 11 console

Post by dodicat »

Looks like you can easily change to the old console now:
Open the start menu on the taskbar (the 4 blue squares)
For developers
In the terminal drop down list choose Windows Console Host.

Tester code:

Code: Select all

#include ""
Shell "color f0"
Sub changefontsize(w As Long, h As Long,ftype As String="consolas")
    With x
    End With
    setcurrentconsolefontex(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),1, @x )
End Sub

Sub changeconsolesize(cols As Long,lines As Long)
    Shell "MODE CON: COLS="+Str(cols)+ "LINES="+Str(lines)
End Sub

Sub getfontsize(x as _CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX)
    getcurrentconsolefontex(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),false, @x )
End Sub


print "Initial font size =  ";f.dwFontSize.x;" by";f.dwFontSize.y 

Print "Press a key"


Print "new font size this session = 13 by 28"

Dim As String asci
For n As Long=0 To 255
    asci+=Chr(n) 'create a string

Locate 10
Print asci

Print "Now change the console size again,  press a key"

Print "New console size = COLS=50 LINES=4"
Print "Font size 15 by 30"
Print "Press a key to end . . . "

You can just as easily switch back if you prefer Windows Terminal.
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Re: Win 11 console

Post by srvaldez »

Hi dodicat
yes, I mentioned that when UEZ was trying to programmatically detect the type of terminal and change it at runtime but there was no success
you can also change the terminal that will be attached to the program via a shortcut to the program and editing the appropriate setting, but I Prefer the method that you mentioned.
the new terminal is too buggy to use although some people like it, it's puzzling.
<edit> in 64-bit you could launch conhost.exe via the shell command but apparently there's no 32-bit conhost.exe
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Re: Win 11 console

Post by caseih »

I like the new terminal because it is a "real" terminal finally with proper terminal emulation. And it's much better for cutting and pasting command-line text. Been a long time coming. MS even ships ssh with Windows now. About time. Just wish they'd ship rsync too. And vim. haha.
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Re: Win 11 console

Post by srvaldez »

I thought I would give the terminal another try but it's just as buggy as last I used it, that was about a year ago
if you change the the launch size to 65 rows and after saving run a program that prints many lines of text, the terminal window size will be 65 rows but text will only be printed on the first 30 rows and there's no scrolling available so you can't scroll up to see the first lines of text
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Re: Win 11 console

Post by UEZ »

srvaldez wrote: Dec 17, 2023 1:58 Hi dodicat
yes, I mentioned that when UEZ was trying to programmatically detect the type of terminal and change it at runtime but there was no success
you can also change the terminal that will be attached to the program via a shortcut to the program and editing the appropriate setting, but I Prefer the method that you mentioned.
the new terminal is too buggy to use although some people like it, it's puzzling.
<edit> in 64-bit you could launch conhost.exe via the shell command but apparently there's no 32-bit conhost.exe
You can detect the cmd console by checking the parent process. The tricky part is to start the own exe in the cmd app.
If you have a look to the Radio Station player I wrote, you can see how I solved it.
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Re: Win 11 console

Post by dodicat »

Yes, thanks srvaldez, I did see your post but I cannot get For developers and terminal from privacy settings here, I have to go through settings/system which goes to show that Win 11 does not seem consistent through continents.
Thanks caseih
Although perhaps changing font sizes or gdi stuff in the terminal is not usual, the fb print statement is, and it does not seem compatible with the new Win 11 terminal inasmuch as it does not scroll.
Printf is OK, also C++ cout<< and pascal writeln are OK (scrollable on the terminal).

So the PRINT statement, excellent as it is (has been) for generality, has met it's nemesis in Win 11 terminal, and of course PRINT(ing) is the most important statement for any console application.
It maybe needs looked at for further Windows, and I have a feeling that will not be an easy task for the developers.
Luckily we can use printf or puts in freebasic just now as a scrollable alternative.
Also the win 10 console is good for copying and pasting, I find the Win 11 terminal just useless, and I have the latest Win 11 update done:
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22621.2861]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
So I must be missing something (caseih).
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Re: Win 11 console

Post by srvaldez »

dodicat, at first that's where the setting was but then they changed it to the way now is
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Re: Win 11 console

Post by caseih »

srvaldez wrote: Dec 17, 2023 7:33 I thought I would give the terminal another try but it's just as buggy as last I used it, that was about a year ago
if you change the the launch size to 65 rows and after saving run a program that prints many lines of text, the terminal window size will be 65 rows but text will only be printed on the first 30 rows and there's no scrolling available so you can't scroll up to see the first lines of text
I certainly do not see this issue here, on Windows 10 or 11. Scroll-back buffer seems to be thousands of lines, regardless of the starting size or how I resize it, perhaps limited only by memory. I'm sure there are bugs but it's as functional as any terminal I've used on any OS. Traditional, native win32 console apps were of course designed for conhost, not terminal, so I'm sure there are impedance mismatches trying to direct their output into terminal. I'm sure as apps begin purposely targeting terminal, you'll find their behavior will be better. The few native console apps I have on hand ran flawlessly, including the Vim text editor.
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Re: Win 11 console

Post by caseih »

I'm sure changes will be needed in the FB runtime to properly support terminal. FB works great with Linux, so there's no reason it can't do the same on Windows with the Terminal. On Linux, as long as you don't use LOCATE, output can buffered and scrolled back to. I have not had the opportunity to test this in Windows, but from what you say, I can expect some issues there.

Also remember there are different ways of interacting with a text-mode terminal, be it conhost or terminal. One way is to take over the "screen" and write anywhere on it. Think an editor, IDE, word processor, spreadsheet. These types of output will not end up in the scroll-back buffer, nor can you cut and paste their output using the terminal hotkeys (although on some terminal emulators there are other ways of forcibly grabbing and pasting text).

The other way of using a terminal or console is to simply output lines of text, which do go into the buffer and are scroll-able.

Note that conhost let you cut and paste in either type of application, because it was just character-based selecting, and worked on the final output that was being displayed. Potentially useful, but I found it frustrating and limiting.

In short Terminal is not "buggy" as you say, but rather I think you're just encountering the effects of how the programs you are running use the screen. If FB runtime behavior needs to change to be more like Linux to support Terminal then that is not a bug in Terminal, but a feature request for FB. EDIT: I read that the venerable ncurses library (which FB on Linux uses), now supports the Windows Terminal, so it might be possible for FB for Windows to use it to better support the Terminal, like it does on Linux.
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Re: Win 11 console

Post by srvaldez »

caseih you may be right, geany launches the cmd like this: cmd.exe /Q /C %c
I searched for almost an hour to find command line options for the terminal that would be equivalent to those options but all I found was a ton of "split" and "pane" but nothing that would answer my question
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Re: Win 11 console

Post by UEZ »

Extract of Radio Station Player code how to restart own compiled program in CMD directly without changing the default settings (Windows only).

Code: Select all

'Coded by UEZ build 2023-12-18
#Ifdef __fb_64bit__
	#Inclib "gdiplus"
	#Include Once "win\"
	#Include Once "win\"
	Using Gdiplus
#Include "win\"
#Include "win\"

Function _WinAPI_TerminateProcess(iPID As Integer, iExitCode As Integer = 0, bInheritHandle As Boolean = FALSE) As Boolean
	Dim As Long dwDesiredAccess = PROCESS_TERMINATE
	Dim As Handle hProcess = OpenProcess(dwDesiredAccess, bInheritHandle, iPID)
	If hProcess = Null Then Return False
	TerminateProcess(hProcess, iExitCode)
	Return True
End Function

Function _WinAPI_IsOSx86() As Boolean '
	Dim As SYSTEM_INFO lpSystemInfo
	Return lpSystemInfo.wProcessorArchitecture = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL
End Function

Function _WinAPI_GetProcessName(iPid As DWORD) As String
	Dim As HANDLE hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, iPid)
	If hSnapshot = 0 Then Return ""
	Process32FirstW(hSnapshot, @tPROCESSENTRY32W)
	While True
		If tPROCESSENTRY32W.th32ProcessID = iPid Then Exit While
		If Process32NextW(hSnapshot,  @tPROCESSENTRY32W) = 0 Then Exit While
	Return tPROCESSENTRY32W.szExeFile
End Function

Function _WinAPI_GetParentProcess(iPID As Integer = 0) As Integer
	Dim As DWORD pid = Iif(iPID = 0, GetCurrentProcessId(), iPID), pid_parent = 0
	Dim As HANDLE hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0)
	Process32First(hSnapshot, @tPROCESSENTRY32)
	While TRUE
		If tPROCESSENTRY32.th32ProcessID = pid Then
			pid_parent = tPROCESSENTRY32.th32ParentProcessID
			Exit While
		End If
		Process32Next(hSnapshot, @tPROCESSENTRY32)
	Return pid_parent
End Function

'check if exe is started in PowerShell cli
If _WinAPI_GetProcessName(_WinAPI_GetParentProcess()) = "powershell.exe" Then 
	? "Doesn't work properly in the PowerShell environment! Please start it in CMD instead!"

Declare Function RtlGetVersion Lib "NtDll.dll" Alias "RtlGetVersion" (OsVersionInformation As RTL_OSVERSIONINFOW) As Long

Dim As String sArguments = " "

Dim As Any Ptr hConsole = GetConsoleWindow()
OS.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Sizeof(RTL_OSVERSIONINFOW)

Dim As Wstring * 4096 sClassname
GetClassNameW(hConsole, @sClassname, 4096)

If (SendMessageW(hConsole, WM_GETICON, Iif(OS.dwBuildNumber < 9200, 1, 0), 0) = 0 And sClassname = "PseudoConsoleWindow") And Command(1) <> "restart" Then 'restart app in CMD window
	#ifdef __FB_64BIT__
		Shell("conhost.exe """ &  Command(0) & """ restart" & sArguments)
		If _WinAPI_IsOSx86() = False Then
			Dim As String sConhost = "C:\Windows\Sysnative\conhost.exe"
            Shell(sConhost & " """ & Command(0) & """ restart" & sArguments)
			Shell("conhost.exe """ &  Command(0) & """ restart" & sArguments)
	End 1000

If Command(1) = "restart" Then
	Dim As String exeName = Mid(Command(0), Instrrev(Command(0), "/") + 1, Len(Command(0)))
	Dim As Ubyte countParentPIDs = 0
	Dim As Integer iPID, parentPID = _WinAPI_GetParentProcess()
	While True
		iPID = _WinAPI_GetParentProcess(parentPID)
		If _WinAPI_GetProcessName(iPID) <> "cmd.exe" Then 
			parentPID = iPID
			countParentPIDs += 1
			If countParentPIDs > 5 Then Exit While
			_WinAPI_TerminateProcess(iPID, 0, True)
			Exit While

'Your CMD code starts from line below

Shell "color f0"
Sub changefontsize(w As Long, h As Long,ftype As String="consolas")
    With x
    End With
    setcurrentconsolefontex(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),1, @x )
End Sub

Sub changeconsolesize(cols As Long,lines As Long)
    Shell "MODE CON: COLS="+Str(cols)+ "LINES="+Str(lines)
End Sub

Sub getfontsize(x as _CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX)
    getcurrentconsolefontex(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),false, @x )
End Sub


print "Initial font size =  ";f.dwFontSize.x;" by";f.dwFontSize.y 

Print "Press a key"


Print "new font size this session = 13 by 28"

Dim As String asci
For n As Long=0 To 255
    asci+=Chr(n) 'create a string

Locate 10
Print asci

Print "Now change the console size again,  press a key"

Print "New console size = COLS=50 LINES=4"
Print "Font size 15 by 30"
Print "Press a key to end . . . "
Last edited by UEZ on Dec 18, 2023 12:32, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 3379
Joined: Sep 25, 2005 21:54

Re: Win 11 console

Post by srvaldez »

thanks a million UEZ :D 😁
yesterday when I first tested the new Windows terminal I could have sworn that it would print on all 65 rows but then I picked another color scheme and it was then that the problem manifested, I tried my best to reset to the default but no luck.
well today I restored my system from backup and the terminal did print on all 65 rows until I chose the light theme then the problem resurfaced, now tell me that it's not buggy :shock:
to reiterate, after setting the rows to 65 and tested somewhat ok, I only chose the light theme, nothing else.
about somewhat ok, it printed on all 65 rows but you could not scroll up to any line above that, that is you have 65 lines and no more
Last edited by srvaldez on Dec 18, 2023 2:06, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 3379
Joined: Sep 25, 2005 21:54

Re: Win 11 console

Post by srvaldez »

unfortunately all I get is (program exited with code: 1000)
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Re: Win 11 console

Post by caseih »

srvaldez wrote: Dec 17, 2023 18:55 caseih you may be right, geany launches the cmd like this: cmd.exe /Q /C %c
I searched for almost an hour to find command line options for the terminal that would be equivalent to those options but all I found was a ton of "split" and "pane" but nothing that would answer my question
cmd.exe is just a console application. Whether it runs in Terminal under conhost by default depends on how you've set your Windows defaults, if what I read above is correct.
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Re: Win 11 console

Post by adeyblue »

UEZ wrote: Dec 17, 2023 23:17 Dim As String sConhost = _WinAPI_FindFile("C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-onecore-console-host-core_*", "conhost.exe")
In 32-bit apps you can use sysnative to access the 64-bit system32 folder without it being redirected to syswow64, like
It is only recognised by 32-bit apps on 64-bit Windows though, so you still need different things for 32- and 64-.

You can also just turn off the the system32 -> syswow64 thing temporarily so you can use system32 to mean actual system32 in all cases with
It does affect things like dll loading though, so when it's off, all the LoadLibrary of windows dlls will fail as it'll be trying to load the 64-bit dlls.
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