Schroedinger's cat

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Schroedinger's cat

Post by Löwenherz »

How does Schrödinger's cat walk?

There is one in Schrödinger's thought experiment
Cat and an unstable atomic nucleus in a closed box.
The atomic nucleus decays with a certain probability within a certain period of time. The decay dissolves by means of
A Geiger counter causes the release of poison gas, which kills the cat.

the cat has a state of superposition.
she is alive and dead until you make a closer
observation and look into the box.

original experiment showed a wave function
a lightpulse or a point shaped electron
hits a fluorescent screen. but you cant say
where the lightwave electron exactly hits the screen

in same both status of superpisition until you took an exact measure where the lightpuls or
lightwave exists at that moment

I have Made this little example for the Cat Paradoxon true or false alive or dead ..

Simple example for Testing true or false

Code: Select all

' simple example for schroedinger's cat experiment
' about physic and quantenmechanic
Dim i As integer,a As Integer
Dim s As string

Randomize TIMER

Print "Quantum Condition Simulation" 
Print "-----------------------------"
Print "Press any key to observe the condition..." 

    Print "Observing the condition..." 

    FOR i = 1 TO 5
        Print "." 
        SLEEP 500
    NEXT i

    IF Rnd > 0.5 THEN
        Print "The condition is True." 
        Print "The condition is False." 
    END IF

    Print "Press any key to observe again or 'Q' to exit." 
    s=lcase (Chr(a),1)
    if s="q" then
      exit do
    end if

  loop until inkey = CHR(27) 

  print "press key to continue or q to exit"
Lost Zergling
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Re: Schroedinger's cat

Post by Lost Zergling »

Non-quantum computing is deterministic. Regarding quantum computing, it is non-derministic at the observable scale. The snake bites its tail: as soon as quantum computing becomes deterministic (the measurement is predictable and dissociated from causality), it is no longer quantum. To resolve this paradox, we call upon time, a dimension to which we only have access to manifestations (movement). Thus, by pressing a key at a random moment, we generate a non-deterministic uncertainty (at the human scale), but at the machine scale, this uncertainty is further into instantaneity! (the clock)
In the same way that we do not know the total mass of the universe, the smallest lapse of time is inaccessible at the scale of the capacities of science.
:idea: :)
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Re: Schroedinger's cat

Post by dodicat »

I have several cats.
Schrödinger should have put himself or one of his assistants in the box, the little cat must have been very confused, thought experiment or otherwise.

Code: Select all

' simple example for schroedinger's cat experiment
' about physic and quantenmechanic
declare sub cat
Dim i As integer,a As Integer
Dim s As string

Randomize TIMER

Print "Quantum Condition Simulation" 
Print "-----------------------------"
Print "Press any key to observe the condition..." 
dim as double t
    Print "Observing the condition..." 

   screen 17,32
   screencontrol 100,400,300
    FOR i = 1 TO 300
    NEXT i
    Screen 0, , ,&h80000000

    IF Rnd > 0.5 and rnd>.5 THEN
        Print "The condition is True." 
        Print "The condition is False." 
    END IF

    Print "Press any key to observe again or 'Q' to exit." 
    s=lcase (Chr(a),1)
    if s="q" then
      exit do
    end if

  loop until inkey = CHR(27) 

  print "press key to continue or q to exit"
Sub cat
    Dim As Integer xres,yres
    Screeninfo xres,yres
    Dim As Double PLOT_grade=10000
    Dim As Double temp1,temp2,x1,y1,x
    dim as double ea=40
    #macro sketch(_function,minx,maxx,miny,maxy)
    For x =minx To maxx Step (maxx-minx)/PLOT_GRADE
        If Abs(x)<1e-3 Then
        End If
    Next x
    Circle (temp1-ea,temp2-ea),25,Rgb(100,50,0),,,2,f
    Circle (temp1+ea,temp2-ea),25,Rgb(100,50,0),,,2,f
    Circle (temp1,temp2),50,Rgb(200,100,0),,,,f
    Circle (temp1-20,temp2-20),10,Rgb(200,200,200),,,.5,f
    Circle (temp1+20,temp2-20),10,Rgb(200,200,200),,,.5,f
    Circle (temp1-20-5*z,temp2-20),3,Rgb(0,0,0),,,2,f
    Circle (temp1+20-5*z,temp2-20),3,Rgb(0,0,0),,,2,f
    Circle (temp1,temp2),30,Rgb(0,0,0),4,5.5
    Circle (temp1,temp2-2),30,Rgb(0,0,0),4-k/3,5.5+k/3
    Circle (temp1,temp2),51,Rgb(0,0,10)
    Static k As Long=1
    Static z As Double
    Dim pi As Double=4*Atn(1)
    sketch (-Sin(z*x+z),-(pi),pi,-2,2)
    If z>1.1 Then k=-k
    If z<-1.1 Then k=-k
    If z>2*pi Then z=0
    sleep 1
End Sub 
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