simple, dirty huffman coding example

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simple, dirty huffman coding example

Post by Mindless »

yup, this code is dirty...

I'm not sure I'm handling files that have only one type of byte in them since the root of the binary tree is a leaf node... :/
don't try to compress a 0 byte file, there is no error checking

Code: Select all

option explicit

'' simple binary tree
namespace bt

  type node_t
    index      as integer
    node_flags as ubyte
    node(1)    as node_t ptr
  end type
  const leaf_node = 0, branch_node = 1
  function create_leaf (index as integer = 0) as node_t ptr
    dim as node_t ptr node_new = callocate(sizeof(node_t))
    node_new->index = index
    node_new->node_flags = leaf_node
    return node_new
  end function
  function create_branch (index as integer = 0, byval node0 as node_t ptr = 0, byval node1 as node_t ptr = 0) as node_t ptr
    dim as node_t ptr node_new = callocate(sizeof(node_t))
    node_new->index = index
    node_new->node_flags = branch_node
    node_new->node(0) = node0
    node_new->node(1) = node1
    return node_new
  end function
  function destroy (byval node_given as node_t ptr) as ubyte
    if node_given->node_flags and branch_node then
      if node_given->node(0) then destroy(node_given->node(0))
      if node_given->node(1) then destroy(node_given->node(1))
    end if
    return 0
  end function
  function calculate_size (byval node_given as node_t ptr) as uinteger
    dim as uinteger size
    if node_given->node_flags and branch_node then
      if node_given->node(0) then size += calculate_size(node_given->node(0))
      if node_given->node(1) then size += calculate_size(node_given->node(1))
      size += 8
    end if
    size += 1
    return size
  end function
  function save_tree (byval node_given as node_t ptr, bt_data as ubyte ptr, bt_data_ptr as uinteger = 0, bt_data_bit_ptr as byte = 8) as ubyte
    if bt_data_bit_ptr = 0 then
      bt_data_ptr += 1
      bt_data_bit_ptr = 8
    end if
    bt_data_bit_ptr -= 1
    if node_given->node_flags and branch_node then
      bt_data[bt_data_ptr] = bitreset(bt_data[bt_data_ptr], bt_data_bit_ptr)
      if node_given->node(0) then save_tree(node_given->node(0), bt_data, bt_data_ptr, bt_data_bit_ptr)
      if node_given->node(1) then save_tree(node_given->node(1), bt_data, bt_data_ptr, bt_data_bit_ptr)
      bt_data[bt_data_ptr] = bitset(bt_data[bt_data_ptr], bt_data_bit_ptr)
      dim as ubyte i
      for i = 0 to 7
        if bt_data_bit_ptr = 0 then
          bt_data_ptr += 1
          bt_data_bit_ptr = 8
        end if
        bt_data_bit_ptr -= 1
        if bit(node_given->index, 7 - i) then
          bt_data[bt_data_ptr] = bitset(bt_data[bt_data_ptr], bt_data_bit_ptr)
          bt_data[bt_data_ptr] = bitreset(bt_data[bt_data_ptr], bt_data_bit_ptr)
        end if
    end if
    return 0
  end function
  function load_tree (byval bt_data as ubyte ptr, bt_data_ptr as uinteger = 0, bt_data_bit_ptr as byte = 8) as node_t ptr
    dim as node_t ptr return_node
    if bt_data_bit_ptr = 0 then
      bt_data_ptr += 1
      bt_data_bit_ptr = 8
    end if
    bt_data_bit_ptr -= 1
    if bit(bt_data[bt_data_ptr], bt_data_bit_ptr) = 0 then
      return_node = create_branch(-1)
      return_node->node(0) = load_tree(bt_data, bt_data_ptr, bt_data_bit_ptr)
      return_node->node(1) = load_tree(bt_data, bt_data_ptr, bt_data_bit_ptr)
      dim as uinteger index
      dim as ubyte i
      for i = 0 to 7
        if bt_data_bit_ptr = 0 then
          bt_data_ptr += 1
          bt_data_bit_ptr = 8
        end if
        bt_data_bit_ptr -= 1
        if bit(bt_data[bt_data_ptr], bt_data_bit_ptr) then
          index = bitset(index, 7 - i)
          index = bitreset(index, 7 - i)
        end if
      return_node = create_leaf(index)
    end if
    return return_node
  end function
  function dump (byval node_given as node_t ptr, indent as ubyte = 0) as ubyte
    if node_given->node_flags and branch_node then
      print string(indent, 32) & "branch: " & node_given->index
      if node_given->node(0) then dump(node_given->node(0), indent + 2)
      if node_given->node(1) then dump(node_given->node(1), indent + 2)
      print string(indent, 32) & "leaf: " & node_given->index
    end if
    return 0
  end function
  function qtable (byval node_given as node_t ptr, path() as uinteger, bits() as ubyte, byref cpath as uinteger = 0, byref cbits as ubyte = 0) as ubyte
    if cbits > 31 then print "QTABLE FAILED!" : stop
    if node_given->node_flags and branch_node then
      if node_given->node(0) then qtable(node_given->node(0), path(), bits(), (cpath shl 1), cbits + 1)
      if node_given->node(1) then qtable(node_given->node(1), path(), bits(), (cpath shl 1) or 1, cbits + 1)
      path(node_given->index) = cpath
      bits(node_given->index) = cbits
    end if

    return 0
  end function
end namespace

'' simple linked list
namespace ll

  type node_t
    index      as integer
    prev_node  as node_t ptr
    next_node  as node_t ptr
    foo        as any ptr
  end type

  const as uinteger no_node = 0
  declare function create (index as integer = 0) as node_t ptr
  declare function destroy (byval node_given as node_t ptr) as node_t ptr
  declare function insert_after (byval node_given as node_t ptr, index as integer = 0) as node_t ptr
  declare function delete (byval node_given as node_t ptr) as node_t ptr
  declare function nswap (byval node_given1 as node_t ptr, byval node_given2 as node_t ptr) as ubyte
  declare function seek_first (byval node_given as node_t ptr) as node_t ptr
  declare function sort_index (byval node_given as node_t ptr) as ubyte
  declare function count (byval node_given as node_t ptr) as uinteger
  declare function dump (byval node_given as node_t ptr) as ubyte
  function create (index as integer = 0) as node_t ptr
    dim as node_t ptr node_new = callocate(sizeof(node_t))
    node_new->index = index
    return node_new
  end function

  function destroy (byval node_given as node_t ptr) as node_t ptr
    dim as node_t ptr node_current = node_given
    node_current = seek_first(node_current)
    do until (node_current->next_node = no_node)
      node_current = node_current->next_node
    return no_node
  end function

  function insert_after (byval node_given as node_t ptr, index as integer = 0) as node_t ptr
    dim as node_t ptr node_new = callocate(sizeof(node_t))
    if not(node_given->next_node = no_node) then
      node_new->next_node = node_given->next_node
      node_given->next_node->prev_node = node_new
    end if
    node_given->next_node = node_new
    node_new->prev_node = node_given
    node_new->index = index
    return node_new
  end function

  function delete (byval node_given as node_t ptr) as node_t ptr
    dim as node_t ptr node_current
    if (node_given->prev_node = no_node) and (node_given->prev_node = no_node) then
      node_current = no_node
    elseif (node_given->prev_node = no_node) then
      node_current = node_given->next_node
      node_given->next_node->prev_node = no_node
    elseif (node_given->next_node = no_node) then
      node_current = node_given->prev_node
      node_given->prev_node->next_node = no_node
      node_current = node_given->next_node
      node_given->prev_node->next_node = node_given->next_node
      node_given->next_node->prev_node = node_given->prev_node
    end if
    return node_current
  end function

  function nswap (byval node_given1 as node_t ptr, byval node_given2 as node_t ptr) as ubyte
    swap node_given1->index, node_given2->index
    swap node_given1->foo, node_given2->foo
    return 0
  end function

  function seek_first (byval node_given as node_t ptr) as node_t ptr
    dim as node_t ptr node_current = node_given
    do until (node_current->prev_node = no_node)
      node_current = node_current->prev_node
    return node_current
  end function

  function sort_index (byval node_given as node_t ptr) as ubyte
    dim as node_t ptr node_current = node_given
    dim as node_t ptr node_grab, node_match
    node_current = seek_first(node_current)
    node_grab = node_current
    do until (node_grab->next_node = no_node)
      node_match = node_grab
      node_current = node_grab
      do until (node_current->next_node = no_node)
        node_current = node_current->next_node
        if (node_current->index < node_match->index) then node_match = node_current
      if (node_match <> node_grab) then nswap(node_match, node_grab)
      node_grab = node_grab->next_node
    return 0
  end function

  function count (byval node_given as node_t ptr) as uinteger
    dim as node_t ptr node_current = node_given
    dim as uinteger ncount = 1
    node_current = seek_first(node_current)
    do until (node_current->next_node = no_node)
      node_current = node_current->next_node
      ncount += 1
    return ncount
  end function

  function dump (byval node_given as node_t ptr) as ubyte
    dim as node_t ptr node_current = node_given
    node_current = seek_first(node_current)
    print "index", "foo", "previous", "next"
      print hex(node_current->index, 8), hex(node_current->foo, 8),;
      if not(node_current->prev_node = no_node) then
        print hex(node_current->prev_node->index, 8),;
        print " -",;
      end if
      if not(node_current->next_node = no_node) then
        print hex(node_current->next_node->index, 8)
        print " -"
        exit do
      end if
      node_current = node_current->next_node
    return 0
  end function

end namespace

select case command$(1)
case "c"
  dim as ubyte ptr ddata, cdata, tdata
  dim as uinteger ds, cs, ts, di, ci  
  dim as ubyte cb = 8
  dim as uinteger  f  = freefile
  open command$(2) for binary access read as #f
  ds = lof(f)
  ddata = callocate(ds)
  get #f, , *ddata, ds
  close #f
  print "  building tree..."
  dim as uinteger u(255)
  for di = 0 to ds - 1
    u(ddata[di]) += 1
  dim as ll.node_t ptr l
  dim as bt.node_t ptr b
  dim as uinteger i
  for i = 0 to 255
    if u(i) then
      if l then
        l = ll.insert_after(l, u(i))
        l = ll.create(u(i))
      end if
      l->foo = bt.create_leaf(i)
    end if
  do while ll.count(l) > 1
    l = ll.seek_first(l)
    l->foo = bt.create_branch(-1, l->foo, l->next_node->foo)
    l->index += l->next_node->index
  b = l->foo
  ts = (bt.calculate_size(b) + 7) \ 8
  tdata = callocate(ts)
  bt.save_tree(b, tdata)
  dim as uinteger o = freefile
  open command$(3) for binary access write as #o
  put #o, , "HUFF"
  put #o, , ts
  seek #f, 13
  put #o, , ds
  put #o, , *tdata, ts
  dim as uinteger qtp(255)
  dim as ubyte qtb(255)
  bt.qtable(b, qtp(), qtb())
  print "  compressing...";
  cdata = callocate(ds)
  for di = 0 to ds - 1
    if qtb(ddata[di]) then
      for i = 0 to qtb(ddata[di]) - 1
        if cb = 0 then
          ci += 1
          cb = 8
        end if
        cb -= 1
        cdata[ci] shl= 1
        cdata[ci] or= abs(bit(qtp(ddata[di]), qtb(ddata[di]) - i - 1))
    end if
    if di mod 1024 = 0 then locate , 80 - 26 : print " " & string(fix(di / ds * 20), ".") & string(20 - fix(di / ds * 20), "o") & " " & fix(di / ds * 100) & "%";
  cdata[ci] shl= cb
  put #o, , *cdata, ci + 1
  put #o, 9, ci + 1
case "d"
  dim as ubyte ptr tdata, cdata, ddata
  dim as uinteger  ts, cs, ds, ci, di
  dim as ubyte cb = 8
  dim as uinteger f = freefile
  open command$(2) for binary access read as #f
  seek #f, 5
  get #f, , ts
  tdata = callocate(ts)
  get #f, , cs
  cdata = callocate(cs)
  get #f, , ds
  ddata = callocate(ds)
  get #f, , *tdata, ts
  get #f, , *cdata, cs
  close #f
  print "  reading tree..."
  dim as bt.node_t ptr tr = bt.load_tree(tdata), tc
  print "  decompressing...";
  do while di < ds
    tc = tr
    do while tc->node_flags and bt.branch_node
      if cb = 0 then
        ci += 1
        cb = 8
      end if
      cb -= 1
      tc = tc->node(abs(bit(cdata[ci], cb)))
    ddata[di] = tc->index
    di += 1
    if di mod 1024 = 0 then locate , 80 - 26 : print " " & string(fix(di / ds * 20), ".") & string(20 - fix(di / ds * 20), "o") & " " & fix(di / ds * 100) & "%";
  dim as uinteger o = freefile
  open command$(3) for binary access write as #o
  put #o, , *ddata, ds
  close #o
case "t"
  dim as ubyte ptr tdata
  dim as uinteger  ts, cs, ds
  dim as uinteger f = freefile
  open command$(2) for binary access read as #f
  seek #f, 5
  get #f, , ts
  tdata = callocate(ts)
  get #f, , cs
  get #f, , ds
  get #f, , *tdata, ts
  close #f
  dim as bt.node_t ptr tr = bt.load_tree(tdata), tc
case else
  print command$(0) & " c|d src dst"
end select
Posts: 273
Joined: Jan 29, 2008 11:20
Location: Romania

Re: simple, dirty huffman coding example

Post by Mihail_B »

I had to learn this [Huffman Encoding/Decoding] for one of my univ exams ...

By the way ... you can find so tuturials for different algorithms at (like LZW, huffman, Topological sort, etc ....,etc...)

This code sample is kind of tutorial/debug for learning huffman encoding(compression)/decoding
For encoding : root=huffman_enc_setup(@in,Len(in),@c)
For decoding : huffman_decoding(@in,@ll,c,Len(*c),root)

Code: Select all

'copyright (c) 1996-2012 alphax (r) team
'programmed by mihai barboi
'based on my univ courses and JHave ( )

'Huffman Encoding/Decoding Algorithm ...

Type hu_t
   As Integer freq
   As Integer ch
   As ZString*16 enc
   As hu_t Ptr left1
   As hu_t Ptr right1
   As hu_t Ptr parent
End Type

'like C/C++ function memset(...)
#Ifndef stosb1
sub stosb1(c as ubyte, dst as any ptr, l as uinteger)
                push edi
                push ecx
                push eax
                mov edi,[dst]
                mov ecx,[l]
                mov al,[c]
                rep stosb
                pop eax
                pop ecx
                pop edi
        end asm
end Sub
'I used insertion sort ... 'cause it gives better results for small arrays (we will sort CHARs frequencies)
Sub sort_hu(hu As hu_t Ptr, l As Integer)
   Dim As Integer i,k,z
   Dim As hu_t temp
   For i=1 To l-1
      While ((hu[z].freq<hu[k].freq) AndAlso (k>=0))
   Next i
End Sub

'appends encription bits to the left side
Sub append2enc(h As hu_t Ptr, older As UByte)
   If older=0 Then
   #Ifndef huffman_as_include
   Print "[L";Chr(h->left1->ch);" ";h->left1->freq;" ";h->left1->enc;"]";
   Print "[R";Chr(h->right1->ch);" ";h->right1->freq;" ";h->right1->enc;"]";
   If h->left1->left1<>0 Then
      If older=0 then append2enc(h->left1,Asc("0")) Else append2enc(h->left1,older) 
   If h->right1->right1<>0 Then 
      If older=0 then appenD2enc(h->right1,Asc("1")) Else append2enc(h->right1,older)
End Sub

'displays the huffman's binary tree in IN-ORDER (LEFT child, ROOT, RIGHT child)
Sub printtree(h As hu_t Ptr,lvl As Integer)
   If h=0 Then Return
   Print "lvl=";lvl;" freq=";h->freq;" enc=[";h->enc;" ch=";Chr(h->ch);"]"
End Sub
Function get_huff_enc(hu As hu_t Ptr, c As Integer) As hu_T Ptr
   If hu=0 Then Return(0)
   'Print "c=";c;" freq=";hu->freq;" enc=[";hu->enc;" ch=";Chr(hu->ch);"]"
   If hu->ch=c Then Return(hu)
   Dim As hu_t Ptr i
   If i<>0 Then Return(i)
End Function
Function binstr2bytes(c As ZString Ptr, l As Integer,o As UByte Ptr) As Integer
   If c=0 Or l=0 Or o=0 Then Return 0
   Dim As Integer i,n,k
   For i=0 To l-1
      'Print(c[i]-Asc("0")),(i And 7),k
      o[k] Or=((c[i]-Asc("0")) Shl (i And 7))
      If ((i+1) And 7)=0 Then k+=1
   Next i
   Return k
End Function
Function bytes2binstr(c As UByte Ptr, l As Integer, o As ZString Ptr) As Integer
   If c=0 Or l=0 Or o=0 Then Return 0
   Dim As Integer i,n,k
   n=(l Shl 3)-1
   For i=0 To n
      o[i]= CUByte(IIf(Bit(c[k],i And 7)=0,Asc("0"),Asc("1")))
      If ((i+1) And 7)=0 Then k+=1   
   Next i
   Return n+1
End Function
Function huffman_enc_reuse(hu As hu_t Ptr,s As ZString Ptr, len1 As Integer,enc As Any Ptr) As Integer
   If hu=0 Or s=0 Or len1=0 Or enc=0 Then Return 0
   Dim As Integer i,t
   Dim As ZString Ptr e
   Dim As hu_t Ptr h
   e=Callocate((len1 Shl 3)+1)
   *CPtr(UInteger Ptr,enc)=e
   For i=0 To len1-1
      If h<>0 Then *e+=h->enc
   Next i
End Function
'huffman encription function
Function huffman_enc_setup(s As ZString Ptr,len1 As Integer, enc As Any ptr) As hu_t Ptr
   Dim As Integer i,n,k,la
   Dim As UByte Ptr l=New UByte[256]
   Dim As hu_t Ptr list,old_list
   Dim As hu_t Ptr newh,te
   For i=0 To len1-1
   Next i
   #Ifndef huffman_as_include
   Print "n=";n
   If n=0 Then
      Delete l
      Return 0
   list = New hu_t[n Shl 1]
   For i=0 To 255
      If l[i]>0 Then
         stosb1 0,@list[k],Len(hu_t)
   Next i
   While (k>1)
      #Ifndef huffman_as_include
      Print "k=";k
      Print "unsorted list:";:For i=0 To k-1: Print list[i].freq;" ";: Next i:Print
      #Ifndef huffman_as_include
      Print "##sorted list:";:For i=0 To k-1: Print list[i].freq;" ";: Next i:Print
      ''merge first 2
   #Ifndef huffman_as_include
   Print "k=";k
   Print "unsorted list:";:For i=0 To k-1: Print list[i].freq;" ";: Next i:Print
   If enc<>0 Then
      *CPtr(UInteger Ptr,enc)=callocate((len1 Shl 3)+8)
      Dim As ZString Ptr ee=*CPtr(UInteger Ptr,enc)
      For i=0 To len1-1
         While (old_list[k].ch<>s[i])
         If te<>0 Then *ee+=te->enc
      Next i
   'Delete old_list
   Delete l
   Return (newh)
End Function
Function get_huff_char(hu As hu_t ptr,enc As UByte ptr,l As Integer ptr,lvl As integer) As UByte
	if (hu=0) Then return(0)
	if ((left(*CPtr(ZString Ptr,enc),lvl)=Left(hu->enc,lvl)) Or (lvl=0)) Then
		if ((hu->left1=0) And(hu->right1=0)) Then
		Dim As UByte c
		if (enc[lvl]=Asc("0")) then
		ElseIf(enc[lvl]=Asc("1")) then
End Function
sub huffman_decoding(txt As UByte ptr,len1 As Integer ptr,enc As UByte ptr,l As Integer,hu As hu_t ptr) 
	if ((hu=0)or(enc=0)or(l=0)or(txt=0)) Then Return
	Dim As Integer i,k,ll
	Dim As hu_t Ptr h
	while (i<l)
		txt[k]=get_huff_char(hu,cptr(ubyte Ptr,@enc[i]),@ll,0)
	if (len1<>0) then *len1=k
End Sub

#Ifndef huffman_as_include
' main
Dim As ZString Ptr c
Dim As ZString*512 in
Dim As hu_t Ptr root
Dim As Integer ll
Dim As UByte Ptr b
Dim As Integer i,k

Print "Huffman Encoding ..."
Line Input "string for encoding/compressing:",in
Print "String Length=";Len(in)
Print "---------------------------------"
Print "input=";in
Print "encripted [as bits]=";*c
Print "EncLen=";Len(*c); "bits / InputLen=";Len(in) Shl 3;"bits / Compression Ration:";CInt((Len(*c)/(Len(in) Shl 3))*1000)/10;"%"
b=Callocate((Len(*c) Shr 3)+4)
Print "# ";
For i=0 To k
   Print Hex(b[i]);" ";
Next i
Kill "\c.txt"
Open "\c.txt" For Binary As #1
Put #1,1,*c,Len(*c)+1
Put #1,,*b,k
Put #1,,*CPtr(UByte Ptr,@in),Len(in)+1
Close #1
DeAllocate b
Print "decoded as:";in
Print "len=";ll
Print "[Tests using the same binary tree obtained from above]"
Line Input "Enter encoded text as 1s and 0s:",*c
Print "enc=";*c
Print "decoded as:";in
Print "len=";ll

DeAllocate c
Line Input "Test to encode, reuseing the same binary tree:",in
Print "enc=";*c
Print "decoded as:";in
Print "len=";ll
B=Callocate((ll Shr 3)+8)

Print "seen as bytes of len=";k
Print "# ";
For i=0 To k
   Print Hex(b[i]);" ";
Next i
Print "back to encoded string :";
stosb1 0,c,ll+1
ll=bytes2binstr(b,(ll Shr 3)+1,c)
Print "len=";k
Print "# ";*c
DeAllocate b
DeAllocate c
For "hello world"(88bits in length) it should
return the encoded sequence: "00100010101101110011110010101111"(32bits in length)
with a compression ratio of : 36.4%

For "Today is a nice snowing day ... Yuppy !!!" (352bits) it should
return the encoded sequence: "111111111001101110011100001010011001111101111000100100101110100100101010001111010111110011010101010110101100110111001110000001000100010000001000011011110111101110000011101110111" (177bits)
with a compression ratio of : 50.3%

Note : There can be different encoding bit sequences for the same string ! If there are items with the same frequence when they are sorted it doesn't matter the order ... but this will result in a different encoding sequence....
Posts: 2591
Joined: May 24, 2007 22:10
Location: The Netherlands

Re: simple, dirty huffman coding example

Post by badidea »

Code from 'Mindless' above updated for fbc 1.09.0 32/64-bit linux/windows

Code: Select all

' huffman compressor - decompressor For FreeBasic
' to compress huffman c myfile.txt myfile.huf
' to decompress huffman d myfile.huf myfile.txt

' updated for fbc 1.09.0 32/64-bit linux/windows

'----------------------------- simple binary tree ------------------------------
namespace bt

  type node_t
    index        as integer
    node_flags   as ubyte
    node(0 to 1) as node_t ptr
  end type
  const leaf_node = 0, branch_node = 1
  function create_leaf (index as integer = 0) as node_t ptr
    dim as node_t ptr node_new = callocate(sizeof(node_t))
    node_new->index = index
    node_new->node_flags = leaf_node
    return node_new
  end function
  function create_branch (index as integer = 0, byval node0 as node_t ptr = 0, byval node1 as node_t ptr = 0) as node_t ptr
    dim as node_t ptr node_new = callocate(sizeof(node_t))
    node_new->index = index
    node_new->node_flags = branch_node
    node_new->node(0) = node0
    node_new->node(1) = node1
    return node_new
  end function
  function destroy (byval node_given as node_t ptr) as ubyte
    if node_given->node_flags and branch_node then
      if node_given->node(0) then destroy(node_given->node(0))
      if node_given->node(1) then destroy(node_given->node(1))
    end if
    return 0
  end function
  'size in bits?
  function calculate_size (byval node_given as node_t ptr) as uinteger
    dim as uinteger size
    if node_given->node_flags and branch_node then
      if node_given->node(0) then size += calculate_size(node_given->node(0))
      if node_given->node(1) then size += calculate_size(node_given->node(1))
      size += 8 'leaf = byte value?
    end if
    size += 1 '1 bit per branch depth
    return size
  end function
  function save_tree (byval node_given as node_t ptr, bt_data as ubyte ptr, _
    byref bt_data_ptr as uinteger = 0, byref bt_data_bit_ptr as byte = 8) as ubyte
    if bt_data_bit_ptr = 0 then
      bt_data_ptr += 1
      bt_data_bit_ptr = 8
    end if
    bt_data_bit_ptr -= 1
    if node_given->node_flags and branch_node then
      bt_data[bt_data_ptr] = bitreset(bt_data[bt_data_ptr], bt_data_bit_ptr)
      if node_given->node(0) then save_tree(node_given->node(0), bt_data, bt_data_ptr, bt_data_bit_ptr)
      if node_given->node(1) then save_tree(node_given->node(1), bt_data, bt_data_ptr, bt_data_bit_ptr)
    else 'leaf_node
      bt_data[bt_data_ptr] = bitset(bt_data[bt_data_ptr], bt_data_bit_ptr)
      dim as ubyte i
      for i = 0 to 7
        if bt_data_bit_ptr = 0 then
          bt_data_ptr += 1
          bt_data_bit_ptr = 8
        end if
        bt_data_bit_ptr -= 1
        if bit(node_given->index, 7 - i) then
          bt_data[bt_data_ptr] = bitset(bt_data[bt_data_ptr], bt_data_bit_ptr)
          bt_data[bt_data_ptr] = bitreset(bt_data[bt_data_ptr], bt_data_bit_ptr)
        end if
    end if
    return 0
  end function
  function load_tree (byval bt_data as ubyte ptr, byref bt_data_ptr as uinteger = 0, _
    byref bt_data_bit_ptr as byte = 8) as node_t ptr
    dim as node_t ptr return_node
    if bt_data_bit_ptr = 0 then
      bt_data_ptr += 1
      bt_data_bit_ptr = 8
    end if
    bt_data_bit_ptr -= 1
    if bit(bt_data[bt_data_ptr], bt_data_bit_ptr) = 0 then
      return_node = create_branch(-1)
      return_node->node(0) = load_tree(bt_data, bt_data_ptr, bt_data_bit_ptr)
      return_node->node(1) = load_tree(bt_data, bt_data_ptr, bt_data_bit_ptr)
      dim as uinteger index
      dim as ubyte i
      for i = 0 to 7
        if bt_data_bit_ptr = 0 then
          bt_data_ptr += 1
          bt_data_bit_ptr = 8
        end if
        bt_data_bit_ptr -= 1
        if bit(bt_data[bt_data_ptr], bt_data_bit_ptr) then
          index = bitset(index, 7 - i)
          index = bitreset(index, 7 - i)
        end if
      return_node = create_leaf(index)
    end if
    return return_node
  end function
  function dump (byval node_given as node_t ptr, indent as ubyte = 0) as ubyte
    if node_given->node_flags and branch_node then
      print string(indent, 32) & "branch: " & node_given->index
      if node_given->node(0) then dump(node_given->node(0), indent + 2)
      if node_given->node(1) then dump(node_given->node(1), indent + 2)
      print string(indent, 32) & "leaf: " & node_given->index
    end if
    return 0
  end function
  function qtable (byval node_given as node_t ptr, path() as ulong, bits() as ubyte, byref cpath as ulong = 0, byref cbits as ubyte = 0) as ubyte
    if cbits > 31 then print "QTABLE FAILED!" : stop
    if node_given->node_flags and branch_node then
      if node_given->node(0) then qtable(node_given->node(0), path(), bits(), (cpath shl 1), cbits + 1)
      if node_given->node(1) then qtable(node_given->node(1), path(), bits(), (cpath shl 1) or 1, cbits + 1)
      path(node_given->index) = cpath
      bits(node_given->index) = cbits
    end if
    return 0
  end function
end namespace

'----------------------------- simple linked list ------------------------------
namespace ll

  type node_t
    index      as integer
    prev_node  as node_t ptr
    next_node  as node_t ptr
    foo        as any ptr
  end type

  const as uinteger no_node = 0
  declare function create (index as integer = 0) as node_t ptr
  declare function destroy (byval node_given as node_t ptr) as node_t ptr
  declare function insert_after (byval node_given as node_t ptr, index as integer = 0) as node_t ptr
  declare function deleet (byval node_given as node_t ptr) as node_t ptr
  declare function nswap (byval node_given1 as node_t ptr, byval node_given2 as node_t ptr) as ubyte
  declare function seek_first (byval node_given as node_t ptr) as node_t ptr
  declare function sort_index (byval node_given as node_t ptr) as ubyte
  declare function count (byval node_given as node_t ptr) as uinteger
  declare function dump (byval node_given as node_t ptr) as ubyte
  function create (index as integer = 0) as node_t ptr
    dim as node_t ptr node_new = callocate(sizeof(node_t))
    node_new->index = index
    return node_new
  end function

  function destroy (byval node_given as node_t ptr) as node_t ptr
    dim as node_t ptr node_current = node_given
    node_current = seek_first(node_current)
    do until (node_current->next_node = no_node)
      node_current = node_current->next_node
    return no_node
  end function

  function insert_after (byval node_given as node_t ptr, index as integer = 0) as node_t ptr
    dim as node_t ptr node_new = callocate(sizeof(node_t))
    if not(node_given->next_node = no_node) then
      node_new->next_node = node_given->next_node
      node_given->next_node->prev_node = node_new
    end if
    node_given->next_node = node_new
    node_new->prev_node = node_given
    node_new->index = index
    return node_new
  end function

  function deleet (byval node_given as node_t ptr) as node_t ptr
    dim as node_t ptr node_current
    if (node_given->prev_node = no_node) and (node_given->prev_node = no_node) then
      node_current = no_node
    elseif (node_given->prev_node = no_node) then
      node_current = node_given->next_node
      node_given->next_node->prev_node = no_node
    elseif (node_given->next_node = no_node) then
      node_current = node_given->prev_node
      node_given->prev_node->next_node = no_node
      node_current = node_given->next_node
      node_given->prev_node->next_node = node_given->next_node
      node_given->next_node->prev_node = node_given->prev_node
    end if
    return node_current
  end function

  function nswap (byval node_given1 as node_t ptr, byval node_given2 as node_t ptr) as ubyte
    swap node_given1->index, node_given2->index
    swap node_given1->foo, node_given2->foo
    return 0
  end function

  function seek_first (byval node_given as node_t ptr) as node_t ptr
    dim as node_t ptr node_current = node_given
    do until (node_current->prev_node = no_node)
      node_current = node_current->prev_node
    return node_current
  end function

  function sort_index (byval node_given as node_t ptr) as ubyte
    dim as node_t ptr node_current = node_given
    dim as node_t ptr node_grab, node_match
    node_current = seek_first(node_current)
    node_grab = node_current
    do until (node_grab->next_node = no_node)
      node_match = node_grab
      node_current = node_grab
      do until (node_current->next_node = no_node)
        node_current = node_current->next_node
        if (node_current->index < node_match->index) then node_match = node_current
      if (node_match <> node_grab) then nswap(node_match, node_grab)
      node_grab = node_grab->next_node
    return 0
  end function

  function count (byval node_given as node_t ptr) as uinteger
    dim as node_t ptr node_current = node_given
    dim as uinteger ncount = 1
    node_current = seek_first(node_current)
    do until (node_current->next_node = no_node)
      node_current = node_current->next_node
      ncount += 1
    return ncount
  end function

  function dump (byval node_given as node_t ptr) as ubyte
    dim as node_t ptr node_current = node_given
    node_current = seek_first(node_current)
    print "index", "foo", "previous", "next"
      print hex(node_current->index, 8), hex(node_current->foo, 8),;
      if not(node_current->prev_node = no_node) then
        print hex(node_current->prev_node->index, 8), ';
        print " -", ';
      end if
      if not(node_current->next_node = no_node) then
        print hex(node_current->next_node->index, 8)
        print " -"
        exit do
      end if
      node_current = node_current->next_node
    return 0
  end function

end namespace

'-------------------------------- main program ---------------------------------

'File format (1-based):
' 1 ...  4 = "HUFF"
' 5 ...  8 = ts (tree size)
' 9 ... 12 = cs (compressed data size)
'13 ... 16 = ds (original data size)
'tree data
'compressed data

select case command(1)
'---------------------------------- compress -----------------------------------
case "c"
  dim as ubyte ptr ddata, cdata, tdata
  dim as ulong ds, cs, ts
  dim as uinteger di, ci 
  dim as ubyte cb = 8

  'original input file
  dim as long f = freefile
  open command(2) for binary access read as #f
  ds = lof(f) 'data size
  ddata = callocate(ds) 'raw data
  get #f, , *ddata, ds 'read all
  close #f
  print "  building tree..."
  dim as uinteger u(255)

  'histogram, count byte occurance
  for di = 0 to ds - 1
    u(ddata[di]) += 1
  dim as ll.node_t ptr l

  'loop histogram, build linked list
  dim as uinteger i
  for i = 0 to 255
    if u(i) then '> 0?
      '~ print chr(i), u(i)
      if l then
        l = ll.insert_after(l, u(i))
        l = ll.create(u(i))
      end if
      l->foo = bt.create_leaf(i)
    end if

  '~ ll.dump(l)

  '~ for i as integer = 0 to 255
    '~ print u(i)
  '~ next
  do while ll.count(l) > 1
    l = ll.seek_first(l)
    l->foo = bt.create_branch(-1, l->foo, l->next_node->foo)
    l->index += l->next_node->index

  dim as bt.node_t ptr b

  b = l->foo
  ts = (bt.calculate_size(b) + 7) \ 8
  '~ print "bt.calculate_size(b): " & bt.calculate_size(b) & " bits"
  tdata = callocate(ts)

  bt.save_tree(b, tdata)

  '~ bt.dump(b)

  '~ for i as integer = 0 to ts-1
    '~ print bin(tdata[i])
  '~ next

  'write hufmann output file
  dim as long o = freefile
  open command(3) for binary access write as #o
  put #o, , "HUFF"
  put #o, , ts 'tree size
  '~ print "ts: " & ts
  seek #o, 13
  put #o, , ds
  '~ print "ds: " & ds
  put #o, , *tdata, ts 'tree data
  dim as ulong qtp(255)
  dim as ubyte qtb(255)
  bt.qtable(b, qtp(), qtb())
  print "  compressing..." ';
  cdata = callocate(ds)
  for di = 0 to ds - 1
    if qtb(ddata[di]) then
      for i = 0 to qtb(ddata[di]) - 1
        if cb = 0 then
          ci += 1
          cb = 8
        end if
        cb -= 1
        cdata[ci] shl= 1
        cdata[ci] or= abs(bit(qtp(ddata[di]), qtb(ddata[di]) - i - 1))
    end if
    if di mod 1024 = 0 then locate , 80 - 26 : print " " & string(fix(di / ds * 20), ".") & string(20 - fix(di / ds * 20), "o") & " " & fix(di / ds * 100) & "%" ';
  cdata[ci] shl= cb

  cs = ci + 1
  put #o, , *cdata, cs
  put #o, 9, cs
  '~ print "cs: " & cs

  close #o 'added
'--------------------------------- decompress ----------------------------------
case "d"
  dim as ubyte ptr tdata, cdata, ddata
  dim as uinteger ci, di
  dim as ulong ts, cs, ds
  dim as ubyte cb = 8
  dim as string header = string(4, 0)
  dim as long f = freefile
  open command(2) for binary access read as #f

  get #f, , header
  if header <> "HUFF" then
    close #f
    print "invalid source file (HUFF expected)"
  end if
  seek #f, 5
  get #f, , ts
  '~ print "ts: " & ts
  tdata = callocate(ts)
  get #f, , cs
  '~ print "cs: " & cs
  cdata = callocate(cs)
  get #f, , ds
  '~ print "ds: " & ds
  ddata = callocate(ds)
  get #f, , *tdata, ts
  get #f, , *cdata, cs
  close #f
  print "  reading tree..."
  dim as bt.node_t ptr tr = bt.load_tree(tdata), tc
  print "  decompressing..." ';
  do while di < ds
    tc = tr
    do while tc->node_flags and bt.branch_node
      if cb = 0 then
        ci += 1
        cb = 8
      end if
      cb -= 1
      tc = tc->node(abs(bit(cdata[ci], cb)))
    ddata[di] = tc->index
    di += 1
    if di mod 1024 = 0 then locate , 80 - 26 : print " " & string(fix(di / ds * 20), ".") & string(20 - fix(di / ds * 20), "o") & " " & fix(di / ds * 100) & "%" ';
  dim as long o = freefile
  open command(3) for binary access write as #o
  put #o, , *ddata, ds
  close #o

'------------------------------ test, show tree --------------------------------
case "t"
  dim as ubyte ptr tdata
  dim as ulong ts, cs, ds
  dim as long f = freefile
  open command(2) for binary access read as #f
  dim as string header = string(4, 0)
  get #f, , header
  if header <> "HUFF" then
    close #f
    print "Invalid source file (HUFF expected)"
  end if
  seek #f, 5
  get #f, , ts
  tdata = callocate(ts)
  get #f, , cs
  get #f, , ds
  get #f, , *tdata, ts
  close #f

  '~ for i as integer = 0 to ts-1
    '~ print tdata[i]
  '~ next
  dim as bt.node_t ptr tr = bt.load_tree(tdata), tc
case else
  print command(0) & " c|d src dst"
  print "c = compress, d = decompress"
end select
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