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{{fbdoc item="title" value="CDBL"}}----
Converts numeric or string expression to ##[[KeyPgDouble|Double]]## precision floating point

{{fbdoc item="syntax"}}##
[[KeyPgDeclare|declare]] [[KeyPgFunction|function]] **Cdbl** ( [[KeyPgByval|byval]] //expression// [[KeyPgAs|as]] [[DataType|datatype]] ) [[KeyPgAs|as]] [[KeyPgDouble|double]]

[[KeyPgType|Type]] //typename//
[[KeyPgDeclare|declare]] [[KeyPgOperator|operator]] [[KeyPgCast|cast]] ( ) [[KeyPgAs|as]] [[KeyPgDouble|double]]
End Type
{{fbdoc item="usage"}}##
//result// = **Cdbl**( //numeric expression// )
//result// = **Cdbl**( //string expression// )
//result// = **Cdbl**( //user defined type// )
{{fbdoc item="param"}}
a numeric, string, or pointer expression to cast to a ##[[KeyPgDouble|Double]]## value
any numeric, string, or pointer data type
a user defined type

{{fbdoc item="ret"}}
A ##[[KeyPgDouble|Double]]## precision value.

{{fbdoc item="desc"}}
The ##**CDbl**## function returns a 64-bit ##[[KeyPgDouble|Double]]## value. The function does not check for an overflow, so be sure not to pass a value outside the representable range of the ##[[KeyPgDouble|Double]]## data type. The name can be explained as 'Convert to ""DouBLe""'.

If the argument to ##**CDbl**## is a string expression, it is first converted to numeric by using ##[[KeyPgVal|Val]]##.

{{fbdoc item="ex"}}
{{fbdoc item="filename" value="examples/manual/casting/cdbl.bas"}}%%(freebasic)
' Using the CDBL function to convert a numeric value

'Create an DOUBLE variable
DIM numeric_value AS DOUBLE

'Convert a numeric value
numeric_value = CDBL(-12345678.123)

'Print the result, should return -12345678.123
PRINT numeric_value

{{fbdoc item="diff"}}
- The string argument was not allowed in QB

{{fbdoc item="see"}}
- ##[[KeyPgCbyte|Cbyte]]##
- ##[[KeyPgCubyte|Cubyte]]##
- ##[[KeyPgCshort|Cshort]]##
- ##[[KeyPgCushort|Cushort]]##
- ##[[KeyPgCint|Cint]]##
- ##[[KeyPgCuint|Cuint]]##
- ##[[KeyPgClng|Clng]]##
- ##[[KeyPgCulng|Culng]]##
- ##[[KeyPgClngint|Clngint]]##
- ##[[KeyPgCulngint|Culngint]]##
- ##[[KeyPgCsng|Csng]]##

{{fbdoc item="back" value="CatPgCasting|Converting Data Types"}}
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