Revision history for KeyPgPoint

Revision [26629]

Last edited on 2023-07-09 00:17:57 by fxm [item name = Screen (Graphics)]
The value return is a color index in a 256 or less color ##[[KeyPgScreengraphics|Screen (Graphics)]]##, and an ##[[KeyPgRgb|RGB]]## value in true color modes. If the coordinates are off-screen or off-buffer, ##-1## is returned
The value return is a color index in a 256 or less color ##[[KeyPgScreengraphics|Screen]]##, and an ##[[KeyPgRgb|RGB]]## value in true color modes. If the coordinates are off-screen or off-buffer, ##-1## is returned

Revision [25486]

Edited on 2021-10-12 01:55:14 by fxm [differences from versions previous to 1.08 transferred to the Version section]
The return datatype is a ##[[KeyPgUlong|ULong]]##.
{{fbdoc item="filename" value="examples/manual/gfx/point.bas"}}%%(freebasic)
{{fbdoc item="ver"}}
Before fbc 1.08.0, the return datatype was an ##[[KeyPgInteger|Integer]]##.
The return datatype is an ##[[KeyPgInteger|Integer]]## for fbc version < 1.08, or a ##[[KeyPgUlong|ULong]]## for fbc version >= 1.08.
{{fbdoc item="filename" value="examples/manual/gfx/point.bas"}}%%(freebasic)

Revision [24983]

Edited on 2021-04-16 16:32:42 by JeffMarshall [updated]
The return datatype is an ##[[KeyPgInteger|Integer]]## for fbc version < 1.08, or a ##[[KeyPgUlong|ULong]]## for fbc version >= 1.08.
The return datatype is an ##[[KeyPgInteger|Integer]]## for fbc version < 1.08, or a ##[[KeyPgulong|ULong]]## for fbc version >= 1.08.

Revision [24783]

Edited on 2020-12-07 01:18:17 by fxm [now returns an ULONG instead of an INTEGER]
The return datatype is an ##[[KeyPgInteger|Integer]]## for fbc version < 1.08, or a ##[[KeyPgulong|ULong]]## for fbc version >= 1.08.
The return datatype is an ##[[KeyPgInteger|Integer]]## for fbc version < 1.08 or a ##[[KeyPgulong|ULong]]## for fbc version >= 1.08.

Revision [24782]

Edited on 2020-12-07 01:15:51 by fxm [now returns an ULONG instead of an INTEGER]
If supplied with two coordinates it reads the color of the pixel at the coordinate ##//coord_x//##, ##//coord_y//## of the screen, or of the ##//buffer//##, if supplied.
If supplied with two coordinates it reads the color of the pixel at the coordinate ##//coord_x//##, ##//coord_y//## of the screen, or of the ##//buffer//##, if supplied.

Revision [24781]

Edited on 2020-12-07 01:06:31 by fxm [now returns an ULONG instead of an UINTEGER]
""GfxLib"" Function with two different uses.
""GfxLib"" Function with two different uses.

Revision [24780]

Edited on 2020-12-07 01:03:33 by fxm [now returns a ULONG instead of an INTEGER]
The return datatype is an ##[[KeyPgInteger|Integer]]## for fbc version < 1.08 or a ##[[KeyPgulong|ULong]]## for fbc version >= 1.08.
If the ##//x//, //y//## coordinates of a pixel are provided **##Point##** returns the color attribute at the specified coordinates, as an 8-bit palette index in 8 bpp indexed modes, a 24-bit RGB value in 16 bpp modes (upper 8 bits unused, limited precision of R,G,B), and a 32-bit RGB or RGBA value in 32 bpp modes (upper 8 bits unused or holding Alpha). Note that it does NOT return a 16-bit value (5 bits R + 6 bits G + 5 bits B).
The return datatype is always an ##[[KeyPgInteger|Integer]]##.
If the ##//x//, //y//## coordinates of a pixel are provided **##Point##** returns the color attribute at the specified coordinates, as an 8-bit palette index in 8 bpp indexed modes, a 24-bit RGB value in 16 bpp modes (upper 8 bits of the integer unused, limited precision of R,G,B), and a 32-bit RGB or RGBA value in 32 bpp modes (upper 8 bits unused or holding Alpha). Note that it does NOT return a 16-bit value (5 bits R + 6 bits G + 5 bits B).

Revision [22010]

Edited on 2017-11-21 01:11:38 by JeffMarshall [fix page link name case]
Speed note: while ##**Point**## provides valid results, it is quite slow to call repeatedly due to the overhead of additional calculations and checks. Much better performance can be achieved by using direct memory access using the results obtained from ##[[KeyPgImageInfo|Imageinfo]]## and ##[[KeyPgScreeninfo|Screeninfo]]##/##[[KeyPgScreenptr|ScreenPtr]]##.
Speed note: while ##**Point**## provides valid results, it is quite slow to call repeatedly due to the overhead of additional calculations and checks. Much better performance can be achieved by using direct memory access using the results obtained from ##[[KeyPgImageinfo|Imageinfo]]## and ##[[KeyPgScreeninfo|Screeninfo]]##/##[[KeyPgScreenptr|ScreenPtr]]##.

Revision [21934]

Edited on 2017-10-06 08:41:07 by fxm [Added the datatype of return value]
The return datatype is always an ##[[KeyPgInteger|Integer]]##.

Revision [21563]

Edited on 2016-08-15 13:29:04 by DkLwikki [Remove extra space]

Revision [21080]

Edited on 2016-03-13 09:09:50 by fxm [Formatting]


Revision [20442]

Edited on 2016-02-10 16:06:30 by DkLwikki [Update link format]
The value return is a color index in a 256 or less color ##[[KeyPgScreengraphics|Screen]]##, and an ##[[KeyPgRgb|RGB]]## value in true color modes. If the coordinates are off-screen or off-buffer, ##-1## is returned
Speed note: while ##**Point**## provides valid results, it is quite slow to call repeatedly due to the overhead of additional calculations and checks. Much better performance can be achieved by using direct memory access using the results obtained from ##[[KeyPgImageinfo|Imageinfo]]## and ##[[KeyPgScreeninfo|Screeninfo]]##/##[[KeyPgScreenptr|ScreenPtr]]##.
- ##[[KeyPgPset|Pset]]## - write pixels
- ##[[KeyPgPmap|Pmap]]##
- ##[[KeyPgColor|Color]]##
- ##[[KeyPgViewgraphics|View (Graphics)]]##
- ##[[KeyPgWindow|Window]]##
- ##[[GfxInternalFormats|Internal pixel formats]]##
The value return is a color index in a 256 or less color ##[[KeyPgScreengraphics Screen]]##, and an ##[[KeyPgRgb RGB]]## value in true color modes. If the coordinates are off-screen or off-buffer, ##-1## is returned
Speed note: while ##**Point**## provides valid results, it is quite slow to call repeatedly due to the overhead of additional calculations and checks. Much better performance can be achieved by using direct memory access using the results obtained from ##[[KeyPgImageinfo Imageinfo]]## and ##[[KeyPgScreeninfo Screeninfo]]##/##[[KeyPgScreenptr ScreenPtr]]##.
- ##[[KeyPgPset Pset]]## - write pixels
- ##[[KeyPgPmap Pmap]]##
- ##[[KeyPgColor Color]]##
- ##[[KeyPgViewgraphics View (Graphics)]]##
- ##[[KeyPgWindow Window]]##
- ##[[GfxInternalFormats Internal pixel formats]]##

Revision [15166]

Edited on 2011-08-08 04:08:40 by CountingPine [Speed note]
Speed note: while ##**Point**## provides valid results, it is quite slow to call repeatedly due to the overhead of additional calculations and checks. Much better performance can be achieved by using direct memory access using the results obtained from ##[[KeyPgImageinfo Imageinfo]]## and ##[[KeyPgScreeninfo Screeninfo]]##/##[[KeyPgScreenptr ScreenPtr]]##.
Speed note: while ##**Point**## provides valid results, it is quite slow due to the overhead of additional calculations and checks. Much better performance can be achieved by using direct memory access using the results obtained from ##[[KeyPgImageinfo Imageinfo]]## and ##[[KeyPgScreeninfo Screeninfo]]##/##[[KeyPgScreenptr ScreenPtr]]##.

Revision [15165]

Edited on 2011-08-08 04:06:35 by CountingPine [Formatting]
Speed note: while ##**Point**## provides valid results, it is quite slow due to the overhead of additional calculations and checks. Much better performance can be achieved by using direct memory access using the results obtained from ##[[KeyPgImageinfo Imageinfo]]## and ##[[KeyPgScreeninfo Screeninfo]]##/##[[KeyPgScreenptr ScreenPtr]]##.
Speed note: while **Point** provides valid results, it is quite slow due to the overhead of additional calculations and checks. Much better performance can be achieved by using direct memory access using the results obtained from ##[[KeyPgImageinfo Imageinfo]]## and ##[[KeyPgScreeninfo Screeninfo]]##/##[[KeyPgScreenptr ScreenPtr]]##.

Revision [15163]

Edited on 2011-08-08 04:04:33 by CountingPine [Speed note: additional info; note about asm is unnecessary I think]
Speed note: while **Point** provides valid results, it is quite slow due to the overhead of additional calculations and checks. Much better performance can be achieved by using direct memory access using the results obtained from ##[[KeyPgImageinfo Imageinfo]]## and ##[[KeyPgScreeninfo Screeninfo]]##/##[[KeyPgScreenptr ScreenPtr]]##.
Optimization note: while **Point** and the opposite ##[[KeyPgPset Pset]]## provide valid results, they are very slow. Much better performance can be achieved by using ##[[KeyPgPeek Peek]]## after calculating the address yourself from values obtained from ##[[KeyPgImageinfo Imageinfo]]## and ##[[KeyPgScreeninfo Screeninfo]]##, or even more using inline ASM.

Revision [15162]

Edited on 2011-08-08 03:53:42 by CountingPine [Make example use the same screen mode as Point]
' Set an appropriate screen mode - 320 x 240 x 8bpp indexed color
screenres 320, 240, 8
' Draw a line using color 12 (light red)
line (20,20)-(100,100), 12
' Print the color of a point on the line
' Sleep before the program closes
screen 13 '' 320 x 200 x 8bb indexed !!!FIXME!!!
line (10,10)-(100,100),12

Revision [15145]

Edited on 2011-08-07 04:12:51 by DoS386 [someone please fix the examples too PSET+>POINT< both same screen]
If the ##//x//, //y//## coordinates of a pixel are provided **##Point##** returns the color attribute at the specified coordinates, as an 8-bit palette index in 8 bpp indexed modes, a 24-bit RGB value in 16 bpp modes (upper 8 bits of the integer unused, limited precision of R,G,B), and a 32-bit RGB or RGBA value in 32 bpp modes (upper 8 bits unused or holding Alpha). Note that it does NOT return a 16-bit value (5 bits R + 6 bits G + 5 bits B).
If the ##//x//, //y//## coordinates of a pixel are provided **##Point##** returns the color attribute at the specified coordinates, as an 8-bit palette index in 8 bpp indexed modes, a 24-bit RGB value in 16 bpp modes, and a 32-bit RGBA value in 32 bpp modes. Note that it does NOT return a 16-bit value (5 bits R + 6 bits G + 5 bits B).

Revision [15141]

Edited on 2011-08-07 02:29:56 by DoS386 [hopefully fixed, please upgrade example and use same SCREEN for pset and point ......]
- In 16 bpp and 32 bpp modes, a 32-bit value is returned instead of an 8-bit palette index
- In SVGA modes, a 32-bit RGB value is returned

Revision [15140]

Edited on 2011-08-07 02:27:07 by DoS386 [hopefully fixed, please upgrade example and use same SCREEN for pset and point ....]
- ##[[KeyPgPset Pset]]## - write pixels
- ##[[KeyPgPset Pset]]##

Revision [15139]

Edited on 2011-08-07 02:25:47 by DoS386 [hopefully fixed, please upgrade example and use same SCREEN for pset and point ..]
If the ##//x//, //y//## coordinates of a pixel are provided **##Point##** returns the color attribute at the specified coordinates, as an 8-bit palette index in 8 bpp indexed modes, a 24-bit RGB value in 16 bpp modes, and a 32-bit RGBA value in 32 bpp modes. Note that it does NOT return a 16-bit value (5 bits R + 6 bits G + 5 bits B).
screen 13 '' 320 x 200 x 8bb indexed !!!FIXME!!!
If the ##//x//, //y//## coordinates of a pixel are provided **##Point##** returns the color attribute at the specified coordinates, as an 8-bit palette index in 8 bpp indexed modes, a 24-bit RGB value in 16 bpp modes, and a 32-bit RGBA value in 32 bpp modes. Note that it does NOT return an 16-bit value (5 bits R + 6 bits G + 5 bits B).
screen 13 '' 320 x 200 x 8bb indexed

Revision [15138]

Edited on 2011-08-07 02:24:33 by DoS386 [hopefully fixed, please upgrade example and use same SCREEN for pset and point]
If the ##//x//, //y//## coordinates of a pixel are provided **##Point##** returns the color attribute at the specified coordinates, as an 8-bit palette index in 8 bpp indexed modes, a 24-bit RGB value in 16 bpp modes, and a 32-bit RGBA value in 32 bpp modes. Note that it does NOT return an 16-bit value (5 bits R + 6 bits G + 5 bits B).
If the argument is a function index, **##Point##** returns one of the graphics cursor coordinates set by the last graphics command.
If the ##//x//, //y//## coordinates of a pixel are provided **##Point##** returns the color attribute at the specified coordinates.
If the argument is a function index, **##Point##** returns one of the graphics cursor coordinates set by the last graphics command.

Revision [15137]

Edited on 2011-08-07 01:58:47 by DoS386 [killed some invisible whitespace, effect in 16bpp modes is very poorly documented]
The function ##**Point**## does not work in text modes.
Optimization note: while **Point** and the opposite ##[[KeyPgPset Pset]]## provide valid results, they are very slow. Much better performance can be achieved by using ##[[KeyPgPeek Peek]]## after calculating the address yourself from values obtained from ##[[KeyPgImageinfo Imageinfo]]## and ##[[KeyPgScreeninfo Screeninfo]]##, or even more using inline ASM.
screen 13 '' 320 x 200 x 8bb indexed
- ##[[GfxInternalFormats Internal pixel formats]]##

The function ##**Point**## does not work in text modes.
Optimization note: while **Point** and the opposite ##[[KeyPgPset Pset]]## provide valid results, they are very slow. Much better performance can be achieved by using ##[[KeyPgPeek Peek]]## after calculating the address yourself from values obtained from ##[[KeyPgImageinfo Imageinfo]]## and ##[[KeyPgScreeninfo Screeninfo]]##, or even more usig inline ASM.
screen 13

Revision [14512]

Edited on 2009-11-05 23:18:47 by DoS386 [+ optimiz note]
The function ##**Point**## does not work in text modes.
Optimization note: while **Point** and the opposite ##[[KeyPgPset Pset]]## provide valid results, they are very slow. Much better performance can be achieved by using ##[[KeyPgPeek Peek]]## after calculating the address yourself from values obtained from ##[[KeyPgImageinfo Imageinfo]]## and ##[[KeyPgScreeninfo Screeninfo]]##, or even more usig inline ASM.
The function ##**Point**## does not work in text modes.

Revision [14485]

Edited on 2009-08-29 23:33:56 by CountingPine [updated]
- ##//buffer//## is new to ""FreeBASIC""
- In SVGA modes, a 32-bit RGB value is returned
- None, in the QB-compatible ##[[KeyPgScreengraphics Screen]]## modes. In SVGA modes, it returns an RGB value

Revision [13715]

Edited on 2008-09-10 10:45:28 by AntoniGual [updated]
If supplied with two coordinates it reads the color of the pixel at the coordinate ##//coord_x//##, ##//coord_y//## of the screen, or of the ##//buffer//##, if supplied.
If supplied with two coordinates it reads the color of the pixel at the coordinate ##//coord_x//##, ##//coord_y//## of the screen, or of ##//buffer//##, if supplied.

Revision [13714]

Edited on 2008-09-10 07:24:08 by AntoniGual [updated]
The value return is a color index in a 256 or less color ##[[KeyPgScreengraphics Screen]]##, and an ##[[KeyPgRgb RGB]]## value in true color modes. If the coordinates are off-screen or off-buffer, ##-1## is returned
If supplied with a single value it returns the one of the coordinates of the graphics cursor as set by the last graphics command executed. If the last command was executed in a buffer, the values returned will be coordinates in the buffer. Arguments out of the range ##0##-##3## will return ##0##.
The value return is a color index in a 256 or less color ##[[KeyPgScreengraphics Screen]]##, and an ##[[KeyPgRgb RGB]]## value in true color modes. If the coordinates are off-screen, ##-1## is returned
If supplied with s single value it returns the one of the coordinates of the graphics cursor as set by the last graphics command executed. If the last command was executed in a buffer, the values returned will be coordinates in the buffer. Arguments out of the range ##0##-##3## will return ##0##.

Revision [13712]

Edited on 2008-09-09 14:56:02 by CountingPine [Misc edits]
//result// = **Point**( //function_index// )
{{fbdoc item="usage"}}
the type of screen coordinate to return: one of the values ##0##, ##1##, ##2##, ##3##
{{fbdoc item="ret"}}
If the ##//x//, //y//## coordinates of a pixel are provided **##Point##** returns the color attribute at the specified coordinates.
If the argument is a function index, **##Point##** returns one of the graphics cursor coordinates set by the last graphics command.
{{table columns="2" cellpadding="1" cells="Argument; Value Returned ; 0;The current physical x coordinate.;1;The current physical y coordinate.; 2;The current view x coordinate. This returns the same value as the POINT(0) function if the WINDOW statement has not been used.;3;The current view y coordinate. This returns the same value as the POINT(1) function if the WINDOW statement has not been used."}}
""GfxLib"" Function with two different uses.
The value return is a color index in a 256 or less color ##[[KeyPgScreengraphics Screen]]##, and an ##[[KeyPgRgb RGB]]## value in true color modes. If the coordinates are off-screen, ##-1## is returned

If supplied with s single value it returns the one of the coordinates of the graphics cursor as set by the last graphics command executed. If the last command was executed in a buffer, the values returned will be coordinates in the buffer. Arguments out of the range ##0##-##3## will return ##0##.
- None, in the QB-compatible ##[[KeyPgScreengraphics Screen]]## modes. In SVGA modes, it returns an RGB value
- ##[[KeyPgViewgraphics View (Graphics)]]##
//result// = **Point**( //function_index//)
{{fbdoc item="usage"}}##
one of the values 0,1,2,3
{{fbdoc item="ret"}}##
If the x,y coordinates of a pixel are provided **Point** returns the color attribute at the specified coordinates.
If the argument is a function index, **Point** returns one of the graphics cursor coordinates set by the last graphics command.
{{table columns="2" cellpadding="1" cells="Argument; Value Returned ; 0;The current physical x coordinate.;1;The current physical y coordinate.; 2;The current view x oordinate. This returns the same value as the POINT(0) function if the WINDOW statement has not been used.;3;The current view y coordinate. This returns the same value as the POINT(1) function if the WINDOW statement has not been used."}}
GfxLib Function with two different uses.
The value return is a color index in a 256 or less color ##[[KeyPgScreengraphics Screen]]##, and a RGB value in true color modes. If the coordinates are off-screen, -1 is returned
If supplied with s single value it returns the one of the coordinates of the graphics cursor as set by the last graphics command executed. If the last command was executed in a buffer, the values returned will be coordinates in the buffer. Arguments out of the range 0-3 will return 0.
- None, in the VGA compatible SCREEN modes. In SVGA modes, it returns a RGB value
- ##[[KeyPgViewgraphics View (Grpahics)]]##

Revision [13711]

Edited on 2008-09-09 14:03:27 by AntoniGual [Misc edits]
//result// = **Point**( //function_index//)
If the x,y coordinates of a pixel are provided **Point** returns the color attribute at the specified coordinates.
If the argument is a function index, **Point** returns one of the graphics cursor coordinates set by the last graphics command.
GfxLib Function with two different uses.
If supplied with two coordinates it reads the color of the pixel at the coordinate ##//coord_x//##, ##//coord_y//## of the screen, or of ##//buffer//##, if supplied.
The value return is a color index in a 256 or less color ##[[KeyPgScreengraphics Screen]]##, and a RGB value in true color modes. If the coordinates are off-screen, -1 is returned
If supplied with s single value it returns the one of the coordinates of the graphics cursor as set by the last graphics command executed. If the last command was executed in a buffer, the values returned will be coordinates in the buffer. Arguments out of the range 0-3 will return 0.
//result// = **Point**( //function_index//, [,//buffer//] )
If the x,y coordinates of a pixel are provided **Point** returns the color attribute at the specified coordinates
If the argument is a function index, **Point** returns one of the graphics cursor coordinates
GfxLib Function that reads the color of the pixel at the coordinate ##//coord_x//##, ##//coord_y//## of the screen, or of ##//buffer//##, if supplied.
The value return is a color index in a 256 or less color ##[[KeyPgScreengraphics Screen]]##, and a RGB value in true color modes. If the coordinates are off-screen, -1 is returned

Revision [13710]

Edited on 2008-09-09 13:10:26 by AntoniGual [Misc edits]
//result// = **Point**( //function_index//, [,//buffer//] )
one of the values 0,1,2,3
If the x,y coordinates of a pixel are provided **Point** returns the color attribute at the specified coordinates
If the argument is a function index, **Point** returns one of the graphics cursor coordinates

{{table columns="2" cellpadding="1" cells="Argument; Value Returned ; 0;The current physical x coordinate.;1;The current physical y coordinate.; 2;The current view x oordinate. This returns the same value as the POINT(0) function if the WINDOW statement has not been used.;3;The current view y coordinate. This returns the same value as the POINT(1) function if the WINDOW statement has not been used."}}
GfxLib Function that reads the color of the pixel at the coordinate ##//coord_x//##, ##//coord_y//## of the screen, or of ##//buffer//##, if supplied.
The color attribute at the specified coordinates
GfxLib Function that reads the color of the pixel at the coordinate ##//coord_x//##, ##//coord_y//## of the screen, or of ##//buffer//##, if supplied.

Revision [11647]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2007-11-10 09:14:49 by JeffMarshall [Misc edits]
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