dimensioning arrays

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dimensioning arrays

Post by GreyWolf »

Hi again --

I am trying to use a single-dimension array- place( 1 to 4 ) - to gather data in one procedure and pass by-reference ( in the paramenter list ) back to the calling procedure. During compilation, I continually get compilation errors each time I attempt to cite the array to gather any data in the called procedure, i.e. "Array not dimensioned, before '(' in 'place( 1 ) = AGX1 + ToknBrdr'".

I have tried "Dim Shared As Integer place ( 1 to 4 )" just after the preprosser directives, I have tried "Dim As Integer
place( 1 to 4 )" and "Dim As Integer place( 4)" in both the calling routine and the called routine(at different times). Still the same compiler error msgs. Oh, BTW, the error messages are always directed at the array usage in the called routine; that possibly might be due to the fact that the called routine physically is between the start of the program and the calling routine.

I do not need nor necessarily want to use a dynamic array, so I believe it should not be this obtuse. In any event, I have a long way to go to become proficient!

Help Please!!! What am I not understanding about declaring and using arrays???
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Re: dimensioning arrays

Post by BasicCoder2 »

Rather than "explain" your problem you might find a faster reply if you actually include the code causing the problem.
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Re: dimensioning arrays

Post by fxm »

BasicCoder2 wrote:@"GreyWolf",
Rather than "explain" your problem you might find a faster reply if you actually include the code causing the problem.
and with the FreeBASIC dialect (lang) that you are using.
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Re: dimensioning arrays

Post by SARG »


is it the only error ?
With the code below as 'place' is also defined in the called routine I got the same error message.

Code: Select all

Sub test
	Dim As Integer place
End Sub
Dim  Shared  As Integer place(1)
Tourist Trap
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Re: dimensioning arrays

Post by Tourist Trap »

Code: Select all

    Sub test
    	''Local scope
        Dim As Integer place()      ''This local var as no binding with place() defined at global level, even if name is the same because local variable are hidden unless special keywords (like shared in global....)
    End Sub
    ''Global scope
    Dim  As Integer place(1)    ''This is defined but not passed to the Sub
                                        ''you didn't even call the sub
                                        ''I removed Shared, it was not fitting my explaination ;--)
Try this :

Code: Select all

Sub test( copyOfPlace() As Integer)
	'local scope
	ReDim Preserve copyOfPlace(UBound(copyOfPlace) + 1)
	copyOfPlace	(UBound(copyOfPlace)) = 999
End Sub

'Global scope
Dim  As Integer place()
test( place() )   ''call test and pass place() array to it

? place(0)       '' Now place(0) is created

test( place() )  ''call test and pass place() array to it

? place(1)       '' Now place(1) is created, place(0) still exists due to preserve keyword

Sorry if it's not fully explained, or even the right answer to your question, I dont master every points. However, this should work as you expected.
In fact the only problem I see now about your first code, is that you didn't call your sub. If you dont do that it wont be very interesting, but I dont see where is the error , unless for a compiler option as said before. Oh yes, you redefined a local variable hidding the global one. Sorry I'm busy so I'm melting everything ;)
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Re: dimensioning arrays

Post by SARG »

@Tourist Trap

That's just an example of code genarating a such error and so, maybe, the reason of the error. No need to explain it.....

GreyWolf has to show his own code.
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Re: dimensioning arrays

Post by GreyWolf »

Hey folks,

Thank you for the quick responses!!! They were helpful!

Based on the responses from you all, I went back and recreated the problematic code, see below:

' global declartion
Dim As Integer shared place( 1 to 4 )
Declare Sub O_Token( As UInt, As UInt )
Declare Sub Get_Location( As UInt, ByRef As Integer )

Sub O_Token( use As UInt, box As UInt ) ' calling routine
Dim As UInt i
Dim As Integer place( 1 to 4 )
Elseif use = 2 Then
Get_Location ( box, place( 4 ) )
End If
End Sub

Sub Get_Location ( box As UInt, ByRef place As Integer ) ' called routine
Dim i As integer
' -------------------------------------
Select Case As Const box
Case 1
place( 1 ) = AGX1 + ToknBrdr
place( 2 ) = place( 1 ) + ToknEdge
place( 3 ) = AGY1 + ToknBrdr
place( 4 ) = place( 3 ) + ToknEdge
Case Else
End Select
End Sub

The above code resulted with the complilation errors shown in first post. Then I modified the above code as follows :

' global declartion
Dim As Integer shared place( 1 to 4 )
Declare Sub O_Token( As UInt, As UInt )
Declare Sub Get_Location( As UInt ) <<<===

Sub O_Token( use As UInt, box As UInt ) ' calling routine
Dim As UInt i
Elseif use = 2 Then
Get_Location ( box ) <<<===
End If
End Sub

Sub Get_Location ( box As UInt) ' called routine <<<===
Dim i As integer
' -------------------------------------
Select Case As Const box
Case 1
place( 1 ) = AGX1 + ToknBrdr
place( 2 ) = place( 1 ) + ToknEdge
place( 3 ) = AGY1 + ToknBrdr
place( 4 ) = place( 3 ) + ToknEdge
Case Else
End Select
End Sub

The modified statements are identified with the <<<=== symbol. The compilation went merrily to a successful completion. This approach seems logical and useful but I still do not understand why I can't simply locally declare the array in the calling routine and pass it in the parameter list to the called routine. Will work on that at a later time, but if you see where I went wrong initially, please let me know.

Again, Thanks to all for responding with clues as to where a solution to the problem might lie!
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Re: dimensioning arrays

Post by Merick »

If you want to use an array as a parameter, you need to tell that to the to the procedure:

Declare Sub Get_Location( (1 to 4) As UInt )

Sub Get_Location ( box (1 to 4) As UInt)
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Re: dimensioning arrays

Post by fxm »

In what language are you coding?
Not in FreeBASIC I suppose!
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Re: dimensioning arrays

Post by Drago »

There are two ways to code:

use dim shared:

Code: Select all

Dim shared as integer place( 1 to 4 )

Declare Sub O_Token( box As UInteger, use As UInteger )
Declare Sub Get_Location( box As UInteger )

Sub Get_Token( box As UInteger, use As UInteger ) ' calling routine
	if use = 1 then
		'nothing to do here
	Elseif use = 2 Then
		Get_Location ( box )
	End If
End Sub

Sub Get_Location ( box As UInteger ) ' called routine
	' -------------------------------------
	Select Case As Const box
	Case 1
		place( 1 ) = 10 + 5
		place( 2 ) = place( 1 ) + 5
		place( 3 ) = 100 + 5
		place( 4 ) = place( 3 ) + 5
	Case Else
		'nothing to do here
	End Select
End Sub 



print place(1)
print place(2)
print place(3)
print place(4)

or hand over the var down to the functions:

Code: Select all

Dim as integer place( 1 to 4 )

Declare Sub O_Token( box As UInteger, use As UInteger, place() as integer )
Declare Sub Get_Location( box As UInteger, place() as integer )

Sub Get_Token( box As UInteger, use As UInteger, place () as integer ) ' calling routine
	if use = 1 then
		'nothing to do here
	Elseif use = 2 Then
		Get_Location ( box, place() )
	End If
End Sub

Sub Get_Location ( box As UInteger, place() as integer ) ' called routine
	' -------------------------------------
	Select Case As Const box
	Case 1
		place( 1 ) = 10 + 5
		place( 2 ) = place( 1 ) + 5
		place( 3 ) = 100 + 5
		place( 4 ) = place( 3 ) + 5
	Case Else
		'nothing to do here
	End Select
End Sub 



print place(1)
print place(2)
print place(3)
print place(4)

In case of dim shared there is no need to dim vars in the subs.

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Re: dimensioning arrays

Post by GreyWolf »

Good Morning All,

I have been reviewing the responses, taking some of the code that has been suggested and compiling on my machine. It all compiled well, so I had to go back and dig some more to find the difference between your codes and mine.

OH BTW, I am using FBIde 0.4.6 with fbc.exe, ver.1.02.0 on Win 8.1 64-bit OS. Is this the latest release?

In any event, I found where I have been omitting one issue from my discussion ( my assumption -- you know what assume does -- that this issue made no difference was fantastic ). Please accept my heart-felt apologizes and know that I have learned the lesson.
The problem was that I was trying to pass the array place( 1 to 4 ) ByRef. i.e. :
Declare Sub Get_Location( As UInt, ByRef place() As Integer )

Sub Get_Location ( box As UInt, ByRef place() As Integer )

This, it appears, is what was creating my compiler errors about which I was asking for help in the first place. I eliminated the references to passing ByRef and everything compiles nicely.
Declare Sub Get_Location( As UInt, place() As Integer )

Sub Get_Location ( box As UInt, place() As Integer )

I have yet to test the program to determine if it functions as designed. The intent is that the data generated in the called routine be available for use in the calling routine. Hopefully, this is a quirk with arrays and nothing more.

My sincere thanks to each of you for your responses and help. You directed me to the area in which I was having trouble and for that I am deeply grateful.
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Re: dimensioning arrays

Post by MrSwiss »


the current 'production' compiler version is: FBC 1.02.1 at:
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Re: dimensioning arrays

Post by GreyWolf »

Thanks MrSwiss
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